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    Manuel of introduction in painter's job laqueur decorator




    Synopsis and context of the work of Manuel Diez Matilla


    Revision in Sunday, March 20th, 2011



    By Christian Diez Axnick


    Left 1







    I. Introduction

    A) Foreword.

    B) A profession which disappears.

    C) The signs of a revival.



    II. The cabinetmaking and the joinery, the workshop.

    a) The apprêtage in joinery.

    b) The assembly and the dismantling of furniture.



    III. The preparation, the primers.

    a) The white of Spain or Meudon, or purple.

    b) The glue of skin of rabbit.


    IV. Panels

    a) The preparation

    b) The sanding of furniture, tables and panels

    c) The veneer


    V. The decoration.

    a) The cellulosic lacquer.

    b) Patina

    c) The polyester

    d) The work in the pistol compressor.


    VI. The Greek, the engraving.



    VII. The gilt.



    VIII. Patina, surtons.



    IX. Varnishs, finish.



    X. The repairs, the rebouchages.



    XI. Conclusions








    I. Introduction


    a) Foreword


     If it is a legendary and mythical profession, which has never had its CAP (Vocational Training Qualifacation) until this day, it is the one to laqueur decorator. This extraordinary profession is originally poor man's job. She was not able to support the economic weight of multinationals, oil crises or big monopolistic groups of the wood.

    But this job  in the deep and numerous roots stays and lives a legend, so much he obliges the artist to draw in the depths of his resources, of his working capacity, of his know-how, of his imagination and of his resourcefulness.

    It is because this job associates several jobs at the same time and juxtaposes them, because it accumulates the difficulties, that the result is sometimes beyond the conceivable.

     Let us make no mistake, it is the bad faith, the wickedness, coupled with the ignorance and with the general contempt which made of this profession a kind of ghost profession. It is hardly the opposite, and we can assert it without any accommodation, without cutting itself or escaping billion fundamental questions.

    All the professionals know it, the small business sector is permanently threatened, and in all the domains of the private initiative, so much the rapacity of the political world is without exit.

     As everywhere else, you should not make the confusion between the ancestral fears, and what we can very well take in the first degree.

    The characteristic of this profession, is to have escaped never in all the cults. The truth is that we left her by the roadside. It is not an enigma, but the truth. We could make every effort to say and to repeat that there are 12 apostles for 12 small prophets, and 4 big prophets. But practically all the religions of the world guessed him, the problem is the one of the really unwanted customer, the one who wants some scatology, the pornography, the one who does not know what he wants.

    Jesus Christ knows that he is not Jérémie, but the problem does not really arise, Jérémie is not either Jesus Christ.

    It is not question here to question such or such esotericism, the question rather is to be put at the account of a clientele of deceptive and lost speculators who often make waste their time and their money to the professionals whom we are, wanting everything and anything.

    All these traders, these experts in marketing add especially some confusion. Jesus did not hunt them of the temple without reason.

    We cannot recreate Louis XV, nor same Louis XVI, enthusiast of locksmithery and watchmaker's shop at the appropriate time, we cannot either go out of the profession and its general frame to quench the mindless needs of such or such.

    Albert Einstein had no David Aouat in his pocket, finally not in the spiritual sense, it is clear. He was only dreaming about a more brotherly, better Jewish world.

    I had quite a lot of disputes and problems with Aout, as Nina. As Berthe Mann, a very close friend of my mother, it is rather the archetype of the Jewish fundamentalist, the ex-member of Bétar. Einstein was a more opened German Jew, in the less closed reasoning. Do not we go somewhere with the EPR, doubtless also, to realize one day the dream of the alchemists of the Middle Ages, that is to change the golden lead ?

    At any rate, the EPR is the only alternative in the fact that our knowledge in physical appearance can evolve. Many evolutions are conceivable.

    Interfere in the problems or the controversies between Hebrew trying rest, but the real Christianity keeps its label, its facade.

    To tell the truth, the own of the small business sector, it is to guard the strength of expression, its codes, his subtlety, the strength gets lost as usual with the old age. You should not dream too fast either.

    It is clear at the end of the Second World War in 45 that the Jewish world is split, and even the Christian world or the Arab-Muslim world.

    I knew Katia Ackstein, of her adoptive name, one of the biggest philosophize talmudistes in Germany according to war, which worked as 2-year-old ethnologist in the Iraqi South. His father was a Jew of London, an only survivor with her. All her family was decimated in camps. He had stayed in London.

    I lived 10 years maritally with Dominique "Nina” Vende Zimmermann, whose a champion of Paris of 20 000 the father was and whose grandfather was shot in 44 near the ghetto of Warsaw.

    I was for a long time also and even until today very friendly with Nicole Lévy, who was also the friend of Jean-Pierre Bourrin, died from the consequences of chemical bombardments in Iraq. We do not know if it is the Iraqi or American aviation which bombarded them. His brother made 5 years of Vietnam.

    My father made a magnificent piece of furniture for Georges and Bernard Lech, the ancient football players of the stadium of Reims and the matra racing. Both are also of Polish origins. The father was on a wheelchair, he was the youngest selected player in French team, his son continued in Reims and in the matra racing. It is he and his wife who had ordered him the piece of furniture, finally two furniture it seems to me.

    It was already little at the end of career of my father. Everything at the end of his career, he made tables with floral and aquatic landscapes, fabulous lightings, furniture and exceptional decorations, he was really in the firmament of his career, his knowledge and his technique. My father in his debuts had even made the copy of a folding screen of the museum Guimet with another Asian decorator at Midavaine. A magnificent folding screen which had ordered Luis Mariano.

    It is necessary to say that Poland is inseparable of John-Paul II, as Germany is it of Saint-Boniface and Algeria of Saint Augustin, or Saint Térèse d' Avila's Spain (which is crossed by Toro moreover).

    Few big Jewish artists really enamelled after war, except maybe Marc Chagall and more recently, the singer of Toñas " El Pele " whom I knew on the landing of Andres Francisco Serrita's staircases before it becomes one of 2 or 3 bigger singers of Toñas of the world. In the time, I was a pupil since quite a lot of time, and he was in 10 bigger of the world to be made an order of height.

    There was also Raymond Loewy, who worked in the désign for packagings, for NASA, and with whom I have some common points. Simply, we did not evolve in the same domains exactly. I having begun the workshop in 8 years and the factory in 16, having practically helped my father during 25 years, I turned to a work of projeteur, in the IT building at the beginning, then in the mechanics, the railroad, the plumbing, the air conditioning and the CVC, and many other domains still, the piping pharma for example, or more recently the civil engineering. Today I am an account manager air conditioning.


    The Judaism suffered from a strong cultural rejection during the cold war. On the other hand,

    The reaction came from big Jewish intellectuals. I think in particular of Mrs Bouissy, close friend of Edgard Faure and ancient groupie of Arafat, who left us there is not so for a long time finally, who was also one of 2 better historians of France, and with whom I worked all the same 4 years. I think in center left of traditional, even if you should not be made of illusion, the dominant socialism always betrayed him once in the power and in position. 

    People as Poincaré, as more recently president Poher, as my father helped in his lifetime when his bodyguards had lost him to the museum Cortot in Montmartre, are people who globally gave me the impression to try to make something to help that I shall call a decomposed Judaism and a pale Catholicism, or the other cults.

    It is Mrs Bouissy who had taken us when we were children to see the exhibition on Lucy to the museum of the man, or was mother Térésa when I met her for the first time. It is too who had taken us to the museum of the Arts and popular Traditions.

    In the time, this museum was not what it was today, and the domain of the explanations exceeded several billion years light the subject, the material. Today the situation is lesser.

    If my father was rather conservative, the center left always struggled in France, it always had a matrix, a general and collective vector, what was not still successful.

    b) A profession which disappears.

    Let us be serious on the fact that the profession disappears. She disappears not only because of what kabbalistes could call real hostage taking to the Franciscan (do not take me however more anti-franciscan I am, after all pope Jean-Paul II took their defense in one of his last books " Get up! Let us go! "), or because of the concept caciquiste of our democracies, but also because the civilized world disappears at the same time with her.

    We are in reality in front of 2 movements compound and followed in the time. Economic fold and loss of a knowledge keep pace.

    From the Christian of Anouan to the Jew of the ghetto of Warsaw, to the Muslim of Grozny or moreover, we see him in all the conflicts worldwide: the man is bad, he becomes more and more bad. The inhumanity gains ground more than it loses it.

    Except, our job is fragile.

    The man is so bad, that he cannot legally aspire any more to the fact than everything is made for his good be. And consequently, the artists of high flight, big calibre, have the right to state their conditions and to refuse the enactments.

    The smallest artists, of whom I am, can even refuse purely and simply to follow the movement impulsed by strength that or there. We do not so dream any more nowadays.

    The real job disappears, also because of any sorts of menus tyrants and local caciques who live as parasites, on the back of the profession with police forces, the bailiffs, the sex perverts of all kinds. A profession does not generally disappear but that particular reasons do not come to enamel of grave incidents at the same time her development and especially its depth. 

    For example, in France, president Mitterrand conspired with his Prime Minister, a Jew, Fabius (of its real name Fabuzzi), so that he signs billions in check to a company as Ikéa so that she continues to plunder quietly the African wood. Meanwhile, and indeed the African really starve, of cold, the game disappears, the ecosystem disappears. The often cruel realities catch up any uncontrolled initiative.

    Scandinavians will laud their sexual revolution obviously on the corpses of the African. It is hello Sir I am for you. Some always worked to add fuel to the fire, to favor the anti-Semitism and make sure to be able to him.

    Indeed on, the North uses on the back of the South. There is there no possible doubt. There is also a will to terrorize, to frighten.

    Indeed on that the Islam will be forward the religion said about domination, the dominant thesis, even if nobody likes the theses backwards. But it is the good thesis

    In reality, no profession dies if everything was not made so that it disappears, under the weight of the economic lobbies. Except, everything was made so that our disappears, at every level and in all the scales, including in the political scale.

    Nothing is more unbearable for managers to be possible that very carrying corporate associations which make of the shade for their dreams of power and the competition in any supreme truth, join forgery with an economic conception of mass.

    There is no massive redistribution of the wealth without plunder. 

    Another shape of plunder is the intellectual plunder, which without my testimony would be attributable to Garouste and Jeumont (associated at the time of decorations of the lodging house) without 20 years of devoted and relentless work of my father, without enormous quantity of tables and furniture whom it made for them. Gérard Garouste is a recognized modern painter today, whom Ministers and even the president of the National Assembly visit. Certainly, they defend from praiseworthy cause, associations so that the children can leave for vacancy, but why did not they make anything for this superstar whom was Manuel Diez Matilla? Cannot we see also a total disparity of treatment there?

    I have believed never too much that of big modern, of big désigners could appear without a springboard, without a whole base, a whole compost, a support for the innovative ideas. Moreover in the big time of Manuel Diez, Gérard Garouste was only a dark small budding, anonymous and insignificant modern artist, even if my father already encouraged him and bewared of any premature comment.

    His désign of a bottle of pastis brought out on the market in 2006 however packed me, as one of his paintings exposed in Beaubourg, with a whole treatment of the red, which is the color which airs longer.

    I find on the other hand that it misses that that the balance which my father knew how to bring.

    My father will have worked all in all about twenty years for decorations of the Lodging house, and made hundreds of tables and furniture for them.

    The worst example of confusion this one economic that I saw is the industrial example, when the power is concentrated between few hands.

    For example when little by little the cabinet makers, the carpenters and the joiners of the faubourg Saint-Antoine disappeared, when the cabinetmaking and the studios closed gradually, when Varnish Jacquelin left to Bagnolet, already, the industrial faintness was general. Already, cellulosic lacquers cracked and cracked if we did not add them varnish. Impossible to make a first coat without varnish.

    Except, in first coat, it is necessary on especially no varnish, one needs only at the end. Already, it is all the industrial, in particular German chain, that was sabotaged in general.

    The chemistry is the lever which allowed to practise the breakage for the benefit of multinationals and of the biggest companies, in defiance of the law and of the interest of craftsmen.

    It is clear that at the end of the second world war also, the Iron Curtain separated the concepts, weakened the tendencies, levelled the oppositions of mass.

    I knew in my youth one of the last three society women to have passed 5 years to Auschwitz, and during a discussion of half an hour which we had had in the train, she had spoken to me in particular about what the plastic surgeons made in Russia.

    She was removed from the highly-rated of Kiev or Tbilisi, or I also left of distant Ukrainian origins.

    This conception, that of the Russian plastic surgeons, was more the one of the competition than that of the art, and we very openly widely inherited from it today, for example in cartoons and comic strip. Especially in cartoons with the emergence of the computer graphics. The industries are engaged a tug of war.

    The technical drawing, that of the building and the industries, which corresponds to the professional way that I followed, is also the world of the speed and the profitability as the only economic standard, and very too often we forget all the rest, namely the creativity and the imagination, the whim necessary for the company of any big project.

    I am drawer air conditioning and plumbing also, enough centred methods building.

    I have all the same about twenty years of experience today.

    The competition between the artists was at first a means of compromise, break with the decadent western civilization, but the same civilization early made take back the concept of competition in its account. We take ideas there or there is.

    For a long time because the humanism was the other current of the revival, he served as border defined with the big pictorial currents of the very revival. To cross this demarcation line, it was to skip into the camp of the subversive or dissatisfied intellectuals about can be their cult, their confession, or their artistic camp.

    Already if in the time the only purpose of many of the ancient transported convicts and the ancient transported convicts was to testify, the modern world did not miss to bring to the foreground new powerful media. These, we could already augur it he has there about twenty years began more and more to be able to since the satellite with the modern and polluting means of communication. We chose to dismember the distant space, as only compromised for the humanity. We are far from the cleanliness and from the Copernican neatness.

    Ex member of the Workers' Party, stemming from the 4th international, I think that it is necessary at the same time of the level-headedness and the recoil to be able to media in our contemporary societies.

    I send back here the reader to two works which seem to me the most significant in the French plan as regards the 4th international: Itinéraires, of Daniel Gluckstein, the General Secretary of the P.T ., and Pierre Lambert (in the editions du Rocher - of the Rock), and Class struggle and globalization, Daniel Gluckstein (in the editions Selio). I think that unlike a Jean-Pierre Bret, of one Y. Taborin (I do not know any more if it is Yvonne or Yvette, I believe that it is Yvette) or the other big communist intellectuals, the classicism of the 4th international is doubtless even more net.

    I had made an oral presentation for Monique Olive and Y. Taborin on Was in hiding Amata, and the cave of the Lazaret in 1983 in Paris 1. In 2006, during a mission of temporary work in Nice, I had the opportunity to see the unique aquatic show of Villeneuve-Loubet, Marineland, and to see also the museum of was in hiding Amata in Nice. He also dedicated it another exposure on the site of Dmanissi, géorgia, on erectus people, coming from man to ergaster, baptized georgicus people, and old man of 1 800 000 years.

    In fact, the biggest aquatic park of Europe is not far from Benidorm and from Valencia.

    The art is different from the communication, it is the support of the beginning of communication, the prerequisite in a more followed question. Its transformation can sometimes look like a shape of prostitution. I speak here about its massive adaptation for such or such category of age and punctual public, as modern times made it moldable and exploited at will.

    To tell the truth, to take only our example, who are children of stateless persons and immigrants, in the diverse European origins, Toro is little Spanich Jerusalem, and the home town of my father, in Old Castile, today Castile and Léon. It has it needed of the road since Alonso Berruguete, since Churriguera, Diez Azevedo, Aléman, Grégorio Fernandez, Fernando Gallego, Valdévi and so many others up to my father, Manuel Diez Matilla. The Christianity remains an abstract composition, or the bourgeoisie becomes confused with the people, or the classes are broken in all the exercises, or their limits become blurred over time. And then Toro was also the capital of the laws in Spain during more than 8 centuries, the city has the most ancient arenas of Spain, about sixty churches and convents, prestigious religious places, and any tendencies. Toro is also the site of the battle of Péléagonzalo. My ancestors are of Pellas and Valdefuza. Toro is also a royal capital for the Spanish and Portuguese sovereigns.

    The real Christianity is not the exercise of the exclusion, but that of the fusion towards the same supreme and inviolable purpose. We could add them Juan de Juni, Salcillo, the school of the East and so many others else.

    A big colourer as Manuel Diez is also born of the rejection of his predecessors, the rejection of the dominant bourgeoisie. Of the refusal.

    The big artists often tend to withdraw on them same, to refuse and to repulse the past having admired him, having forged ahead in. The Christian or religious art is made by additions, by complements, by anticipation and by synthesis. Often the artists at the end of their life slide towards a certain denial or certain doubts.

    But the history retains of them only a part of their work, no all their work worldwide, not all their commitment.

    An artist does not make that testify of his time, he often brings her also something moreover, something that she would not have seen without him. He accentuates certain things, certain sometimes historic events, emphasizes certain parties, finds symbols, for example symbols of the Passover. My father made hundreds of oil paintings in his life. He knew in his job to use the qualities of the lacquer in a optimal way, and to make with her things that he would not have been able to make for the oil and mutually.

    Her sister, Angelita, and a good part of my family, worked in particular for a long time and worked even recently up to its death for the baroness Goury du Roslan, who had a distant family tie with Joseph, the brother of Napoleon. His work of laqueur decorator, my father exercised him of Biarritz to Deauville, by way of Tours.

    The baroness, or her nephew, saw dedicating the book of the Russian writer Pasdoc de Salkoff " The coachman of the Troika ". Pasdoc of Salkoff speak about its career of singer and about the French song there.

    This baroness who left us in April, 2005 was of Danish and American origin, her parents were the one the former ambassador of Denmark in Paris, the other one an American banker, finally his daughter I believe.

    Her German family had emigrated in Denmark. She indeed went down Moltke, name of the German marshal who participated in an attempt against Hitler. Anne Frank speaks about him in his newspaper, regretting that this German nobliau did not succeed in his enterprise. In reality Moltke is of Danish origin, he had made a commitment in the German army.

    The grandfather of my cousins of Germany, whom we nickname Opa Linie, also participated in an attempt against Hitler, the one who ended in hundreds of executions and beheaded opponents. The major part of my German family was on the roads of the exodus after the rout, the collapse and the advance of the Russian troops, and in number of small transit camps, of which a step far from Stuthoff, near Danzig, current Gdansk, and also that of Marianenfeld near Berlin.

    Horst, the elder son of the brothers, died from the typhoid in one of these camps.

    The baroness thus died there is little, in 105 years. She went out, was born with century and was dying with him.

    Pasdoc of Salkoff, in his book, deals with the French song. He quotes in particular Charles Aznavour there, who has his village hall to Arnouville, and many of the others, Trenet, Brel, Montand, Johnny Halliday. Pasdoc of Salkoff is a ancient Russian airman, as my friend Jean Seigaud, the last French airman must to have taken part in the battle of England, of which the father is one of the main engineers of the Maginot line. I vaguely knew a Breton airman who made 15 war years with De Lattre. Seigaud is a more composed man. He finishes quietly his days at the hospital of Gonesse.

    Thrown by the plane on Algeria without parachute, he has of his survival only in his parachute of help and in a tree which paid off its fall, but by drilling him the spleen, he finished in a very grave state until today. His state of general paralysis is still since.

    He is a disabled person in 90 %, as my older brother is sick mental in 90 %, schizoid and schizophrenic. Having said that, my older brother, even if he is sick, worked with practically all most great masters of martial arts of the world. He not bad travelled, in Morocco, in the South of the antique hunting, in the Tibet, but less than my mother. My other brother, David, died tragically. The madness of my older brother weighed after all very heavy, even if it is not the only parameter which precipitated its sad end from which I could never recover. It is a real vegetable of egoism.

     Careers today offer no more geographical perspectives so deep for craftsmen, which are a little the singers of the painting and the adventurers of the second half of the XXth century. At first because we took the nasty habit to suffocate craftsmen, so we are jealous of them. A whole commercial folding screen was set up, a whole artificial shop window, a permanent advertising harassment. Without counting the industrial sabotage, the racist, anti-semitic attacks sometimes against the storekeepers and their stores, the racket, the various offences. The profession is not spared, the whole chain either.

    Then, everything in summer made to add fuel to the fire and instigate the hatred against craftsmenand " old Europe ", ancient order in a way, the others declaring itself automatically as of excellent modern, what is far from being the case. In fact, the real modernism, the real artistic innovation is by definition of classic nature.

    There is no novelty without objective evidence.


    The "ancient" as we call them discovered Kurt Masur before the businessmen and the finance fall him top and Campanella well before the others, and the Toñas of El Pele and the Jaléos of Chano Lobato well before the others else.

    The biggest began by seducing the ancient and mutually. It is the best label of the real difference. It is true for the absurd treated by Carlos Montoya, for Ramon Montoya, for the logic treated by José-Antonio Sabicas, for Serra and his son Serrita and his zambras or still José El Toro, his friend singer.

    There is always for a final exam to be crossed. Serra registered with the biggest, El Camaron de la Isla, Paco de Lucia, Escudéro and so many others.

    But unlike others those whom we call the ancient worked with them and for them, without counting what they bequeathed to their children. The big innovations are very often classic. It is rare that the modern world does not plagiarize.

    What I like for example at Chopin, even if it was an alcoholic, it is that he was not situated inside the big empires of his time. Neither inside the British empire, nor inside that of the Saint Roman Empire Germanic, or the Teutonic knights exterminated the Prussian to convert them to the Catholicism, nor inside that of Charles-Quint, Chopin was a big lyric spirit, one of the first ones to appear outside the system, to upset the standards.

    The sharpness, the fluidity of its play, give to its melodies a lyric in the surprising outcomes. Chopin was Copernican in the soul. He knew how to surprise pleasantly and suddenly as Dvorak.

    Very often, throughout his career, my father surprised Asian craftsmen and other draftsmen in front of shop windows plagiarizing the decorations of his tables or his furniture.

    The real ideas, we are going to look for them above all there or is the quality. The strength is the mainspring which does not appear alone, whom we always eventually copy and may to sabotage.




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