• Manuel Diez Matilla: a forgotten fate


    Psychoanalysis of the work of Manuel Diez Matilla


    11th part


    By Christian Diez Axnick

    Revision in Saturday, May 19, 2012

     ( warning, this text is now hold, the french text is more recent )































     I ended the taken place year a mission of temporary work, or I worked with the very nice Fernand Campos and Manuel Majo. I worked at SITCF for the station Saint-Lazare, in telecom, optical fiber, electricity, lightings, electronic displays etc. …

     And even if Toro remains an important artistic, religious, legal and royal, or still bullfighting, and even culinary capital, with his "Pastas" and his "bollos", his remarkable "Polvorones" or still political, archaeological, wine, Manuel Diez remains one of the last representatives of his artistic magnificence.

    He is one of last important products who was born low there. Even if the main part of its career took place in mainland France. Some tracks of the semi-heathen Christianity remained in its work.

    He went towards more Christian, traditional and historic synthesis. A part of certain wines of Bordeaux comes from the vineyard of Toro, or we produce "Sarmiento", or rather to be more correct "Cermeño". Artistically, the XVIth century is very represented there low, as golden century. Gérard Depardieu possesses some good vintages from there low. I had gone with Nina to his wife Elisabeth to Bougival in the time either Guillaume still lived and or Julie was a single woman. She looked for a couple of gardeners. Toro is little in Spain that Jerusalem is in Israel. An inescapable human and social capital, Téjar having been in a way the Bethlehem of my father.

    Then as usual for the artists, it is necessary to know how to question, question, and pursue its road by the sinuous meanders which lead to our respective purposes, to fit out exits, and to go towards the lesser evil, without losing sight completely of its own ambitions.

      Spain is at the crossroads. Her oligarchies represent even the bloody and repressive past of Europe. She likes propped up on old foundations, prisoner of the terrorism, split and quartered by her autonomies which retain and contain the national feeling.

    Which future she will have after him, I ignore it. I remained so taken away from Spain, as maintained at a distance, that I do not know how to bring any more the maximum to this country.

    Nevertheless, this country made even recently prestigious things, as for example the excellent results and the world title of Roja, it realized there are few advances and it would be difficult to make him in a country as France or reign more freedom, but also a relative anarchy padlocked by a power which stays up everything. I did not return to Toro for a long time, and I shall like going there, if only to take in to me again on the grave of my ancestors.

      What I shall like very much, it would be have more money and more time to paint and return to what there what made the vocation and the hours of glory of this small part of the family Diez whom we are. It is what we know how to make of better, even if all, us scattered since the terrible death of my father. It is necessary to return to the humility, the cement of the art there.

    José-Mari, the younger son of Vénancio, dashed into the painting with a relative success, of Christine's alive and after its tragic disappearance. He even exceeded us. I wish to draw and to paint much more that today. Ingo paints little. I I lost a lot of contact with the easel. And then, other modern techniques became more important. The African paintings in sand colored for example. Kheira, the sister of Hanifia, had offered me one.

      I shall like after a brief passage by the modern art (at the moment I was inspired by tags and graffiti) and the surrealism, to return to the classic or neo-classic art, to the impressionism there. I miss tubes of painting and money. But if I could create an activity or a company, a workshop, I would not say not. I had some contacts with Ute Hadam, a very big artist, and I do not discourage to restart one day on good bases.There is also Birgit Magler-Wieseman. What often matters, it is the will, the humility.

      The hope is there, it tightens us arms, in a world or almost everything is set against us. It belongs to us to know how to regain self-control, question us. It is necessary to begin again everything, to start all over again.

      What I tried to make by writing the manual worker of introduction drafted in four parts, and these eleven psychological studies of which some are still perfectible, it is to bring to light a historic and cultural slide show. The autobiographical texts of my father reflect more his own thought. I grant a certain importance for the public relations, for the debate of ideas, without whom the art would not move forward either. I do not want to betray everything, or to deliver the political beliefs of my father, because he was above all a passionate painter, living in a certain immoderation, at the top of the artistic and pictorial possibilities of his time.

    For those who loved him, who were his contemporaries, I am anxious to grant the forgiveness, the indulgence. I would want that his workers, the workers of the shadow, those whom he knew and committed, have as well their part of glory and recognition in the inheritance as he left, Pédro, Ramon, Antonio Illan, Landrin, Agop Agopian, so many others. It is the slightest things.

     Manuel Diez did not love conceited people, animals with competition and with diplomas, but humble people, those who left nothing took the entrepreneurial risk with him, those who knew how to be and stay in their place by learning to progress.

    Can these written, drafted and thought works help in a better understanding of what he embodied and represented, so that we never forget the aquatic and floral decorations, the naturalists, wonderful and fabulous whom he composed. So that we feel the weight in the light of day of the accomplished work, of its maturity, of its dexterity, of its extraordinary diversity of tones, colors and nuances.

      I think again about the disaster of Fréjus with this dike which had broken, and in this image of a man collected in front of a cross several paintings of which he pulled with thickenings, as for the hunter of goldfinches. My father was inspired by everything, left an idea, sometimes by a photo to compose authentic masterpieces.

      We can start all over again, question us, and walk again on his tracks engraved in our reports for ever.

    And to the public, I would thank you mean, one thousand times thank you for having agreed well to follow us in our wanderings and our adventures, having entered the creative intimacy of this giant of the XXth century to whom we owe so much and so many marvels. Himself did not hide his admiration in front of certain works and certain paintings. It was capable of being amazed, he liked his job and the painting was its passion. He began in 4 or 8 years and never stopped painting.

      I was anxious to thank you all, the visitors of this blog, all those, all the crowd of the unknown persons who followed and were interested in this impressive being of boldness and resourcefulness, this tireless manual worker whom the fate took back to us cruelly. Thanks to all, and that our advice, our testimony is useful for you and allows you to be better situated in the immense world of the art.

    This small-sized giant, which weighed no more than some kilos before his death, so much worked to advance the colors, the aesthetics and the pictorial creation, the innovation and the style of a strong and mature work. Thank you thus, and that the wind is with you, that it leads you to good port.

      The public is in a way the rescuer not appearances, but realities. When I think of the piece of furniture of sublime linen which is in the room of my mother, with the Chinese which are represented, I say to myself that it did not have very second-hand to leave us some of its magnificent works

    It is the life. There are no more small craftsmen of the scale. Today, the systems collapse, the Arab world falls over to terrible proletarian revolutions. Not that the revolution is not something an interesting, even of fascinating. Moreover Hanifia is anyway and for a long time of this edge there, but the price to be paid in terms of human lives seems to me far too raised, for a relatively reduced political, administrative and bureaucratic gain. There were far too many deaths and martyrs. I think that even if certain leaders have billions, stemming from the corruption and from the cornering of the wealth, these revolutions gave rise to a horrifying blood bath. What is missing, it is an alternative.

    After him, who knew how to give a cape, the valuable systems collapse. The human life does not matter enough, we do not take into account her enough. The human life has to be something of crowned. Europe cannot get involved easily in the new world challenges which puts the poverty.

      Herself is very poor also. As real America besides. The real revolution can succeed only by its own consolidation, and not otherwise. One foot in the power is needed at least, otherwise it is the slaughter.

     Nevertheless, the major part of Arabic leaders who fell came in Europe, and were received, but it is the systems which do not walk, the projections on the long term.

       My father knew too much how to not get involved in affairs of the others, or in the life of the others, he put back everything on the job, and continued his course, by distrusting traps of the history, subterfuges, lies by omission distilled also by the journalists and the broadcasting. He led his road, knew how to contemplate his work, persevere, continue in a moderate lifestyle.

      The revolutions are not a myth, but they cost an immense credit also. The revolution is a purpose which requires a clarification, a recognition of the necessary sharing of the power, an acceptance of the exercise of power. She cannot succeed otherwise. From there was born and results the socialism, the only about acceptable standard by communities, when the right systems lead to the impasse.


       I stopped reading the book of Gérald Messadié, " Saladin, knight of the Islam ", appeared to the edition) of the Archipel, and if the contagion which won the Maghreb and the Arab world seemed to me justified, I think that the opposition has to accept the sharing and an experience of the power, or rather the oppositions.





     The world accelerates, one needs that a quilt, a shock absorber which can allow the economy of human lives. I agree with Gérald Messadié when he says " In 1st century AD, Jesus broke the mould of the Judaism, which presented god as master of the good and the evil, to impose the concept of an exclusively good god ". He also speaks in his book of the events happened to the real cross, which the true fighters lost in a battle. My father had also spoken to me about it.


    It is true for example that my mother returned last year of Spain, and even if she is Protestant, she attended a office in the parish San Julian of Toro with Méré. Jesus is also the man of the coherence. She passed in the newspaper, on a photo, with Méré, under an article dedicated to toréros. She and Méré are on the line, to the left of the others.

      In fact, what separates me from my wife, it is that I am a little more conservative than her, while it, it recognizes none of the heavyweights by the power in this country, who make all of the fawning and polish the boots of the dwarf. I am revolutionary of the highly-rated of a Bernardo Sandoval and his " Sendero luminoso ", a highly-rated of the real ideas, and more or less socialist. Her, her is rather socialist, and convinced than all are bad. She channel-flicks as soon as appears the face of Sarkozy or one of his friends on the small screen. She cannot see them nor support them.


      These people, as formerly the socialists and Mitterrand, but at a lesser level as regards these last ones, made us pass of the paradise in the hell. Current World offers no other exit to the contesting that the class struggle or the armed struggle. We cannot both be quoted, it is impossible. It is moreover what what still makes the strength of the church in Castile & Léon, his hardness and its durability, its intransigence.


      Why did we lose so much manual sense and working habits? Because we are in the engineering, the process, the civil engineering, the engineering consulting firms, the intellectual jobs. This year I thus worked for the station Saint-Lazare, so much in telecoms, that the electricity, the optical fiber and the computing, the electronic displays etc....







      Contrary to the fact that believe many French, it is often us who make almost everything in this country. Mr Fernand Campos is a cheerful and cheerful man, a franc which forges ahead. Our civilization is Frankish. Those who forge ahead are often the most positive, we have not many other assets in the contemporary world. Our only chances are in the cohesion of the strengths, and not in their divisions.

      Then I sometimes have the nostalgia for the workshop, for our ancient family company, but without my father it was not really possible any more to continue. Or then, would have the commands of tables and furniture have to stream, but we could not look any more of sufficient guarantees to the customers. It is an affair of greatness, large-scale, company, and when it is necessary to make live up to 10 employees, nothing is ever acquired or easy, especially because of loads. The departure of Pédro precipitated things also, as for the others.

      I would have wanted to continue, but really, I could not make a success of it alone. I would have needed at least an employee or two. Then it was necessary me to give up. Besides, Bernard blew up the installation and the compressor by wanting to pass of the three-phase in the two-phase current. Little by little, the transition with the paternal workshop split. I could not continue the only workshop, even if I have of to make a secondhand trade or two with Nina. The dream fainted little by little.

      Pedro took up his box in the South, a society or he began working with the varnish polyester.

      The traditional arts to continue require a vertebral column, and it was my father who embodied it. Without him, nothing more could turn in the same way. He knew how to answer and face the requirements and the demands of the clientele.

    Today, I just manage to recover from these bygone days, because I work in engineering consulting firms since about twenty year, but sometimes, a renewal of nostalgia win, disappointed hopes, past greatness, prestige, deliveries which we made in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine. I have difficulty in forgetting, I regret this period or I saw my father realizing marvels and fabulous, unforgettable decorations.

      I believe, finally I tried to be the best auxiliary for him, I always supported him, I was always in his quoted, and sometimes he did not make me presents. He sometimes had the acerbic criticism.

      He tended always a little to set apart me, except when he needed me. He knew that he could count on me.

     The events which won the Arab world since already a few months demonstrate the liveliness and the determination of the revolution and the terrible armed repression which exists. The butler of Mrs baroness had known Youssoupof, the murderer of Raspoutune. The baroness Gousry de Roslan was rich, and knew how to use her money. At least as long as she held Frogères in Sologne, once left to Bormes-les-Mimosas in the Var, she was not more than a vegetable. Her end of life was long, because she died very old, born with century and died with him.

      She had two more or less close and remote relatives, both being a member of the nobility, the one manages even today a famous botanical park (Saint Jean de Beauregard seems to me you it ), and other one than her little knew had got married to a German local country squire. Dieter and my aunt Gerda as well as their daughter Daniela live not far from the castle or she lived, or one of its portraits decorates a wall. Rustic parties took place there. Still a funny coincidence.

     This butler who was in the service of the Baroness was not far from the events, from the place of the murder which was the prelude of the Bolshevik revolution with its painful and terrible procession of 20 million deaths. In the same way, the revolutions, the movements of protests, contesting which were able to develop lately in the Arab world, already entailing the fall of two important leaders, are results of decades of tyranny.

    We decided to ignore the problems of the peoples, and here is the result. It is the impasse and the climbing in the horror. Can the peoples see sense, and especially the unreliable despots and the multibillionaires who control this continent, for a long time and until today, in the repression and the blood of the innocents.

     Lybie fell over to the civil war. It is the climbing in the horror, with mercenaries come from the Liberia, the snipers, atrocious repression. Furthermore, France is one of country which unwound the red carpet in front of Khadafi for a long time, without counting the scandal with Michèle Alliot-Marie and her departure as well as that of her companion, Minister as her. This country became not a cradle for the art and the small business crafts, but an arms dealer who makes the low bow in front of everybody. These old despots do not want to leave the power. We had already had the echo of it during the games of Barcelona, with all the ancient henchmen of the Naziregime).

    I like Catalonia, I like Catalans, but it is even difficult, impossible to understand how people who exterminated half of Europe with the Nazis, lined from the map so to speak the Baltic States, participated in the biggest massacres of mass of the story of the humanity, were able to manage to monopolize the games and the management of the Olympic movement during a quarter of century. Which misses reaction on behalf of our democracies, which fiasco.

      Same Louis-Napoleon III, who brought out against very hard reforms, did not bring out of against reform so hard. The problem in Spain, it is the European and world vote, it is that of some against reforms can be born. Here we have to deal with a real murder by the ignorance. Whole World joined forces against us. And the whole world pays the consequences of the slanderous politics which was driven against us for a long time. We ask for a visa Spanish in Turkey, not the others.

    The only means to make them leave, it is the education, the awareness of the masses and the people when his vital interests are at stake. Without managing to make become aware to the people that past expert leaders in the massacres of mass became a danger for the democracy and its future, nothing is possible. To send unfortunates to the slaughterhouse or to the slaughter is not either a good solution, it is at the highest level that it is necessary to be able to intervene, and all this cannot be made without a maximum of credibility.

      And or is it this credibility when I still think in two years of agony spent in intensive resuscitation at the hospital Bichat and previously at Gonesse and Stains by my father? Nowhere in reality.

    Worlds and universes follow one another some in the others, without we can make nothing of other than look for to testify of glorious past. The end of life is an atrocious and indescribable thing. Is all this really worth it?

      Today I work and my wife also. At the beginning of the year 2011 I finished a mission thus on the station Saint-Lazare, the networks, the telephony, the telecoms, the computing, the electronic displays. It was a million euro construction site and I had been prolonged two weeks. I moved on then as account manager in air conditioning. I thus worked on the technical premises of the station Saint-Lazare. A dust removal come just in time at the right time. We had not really managed in a certain time to renew the east station for lack of credits or of means. Quite a lot of engineering consulting firms were above. But nothing really moved forward when I still see the dilapidation of roofs.

    I was some time after SITCF hired as account manager at ERCC.

      I would like to relaunch, to paint again, but I have of little of time and not enough means. I do not want to make of pessimism, and I keep good hope. But the life is hard, the world became terrible, time changed, the men did not still owe.

     For a long time in France, we wore Serge Gainzbourg in the pinnacle, especially its friend Drucker. It is true that he was a big musical popularizer, an immense artist. But 70 % a 80 % of its directory results from Anton Dvorak and of some the others, Dvorak who managed himself to synthesize the traditional and folk directory, as many composers stemming from nationalisms in Europe. I had gone to see Gainzbourg in concert with David. He did not respect too much his musicians, but the concert was beautiful, a musical and poetic success. It is true that the objectivity does not still suffocate the European. Other big musical groups, as Maluzerne, brought a lot to the traditional musics and to the composition. Myself try to put literally my compositions.

     The producers of Johnny Halliday also resumed Dvorak, and one of its symphonies. In reality, the varieties often borrow from the classic, who draws from the popular directory himself. It is true on the other hand that Gainzbourg remains one of the only ones to have held out on the Anglo-Saxons.

      Maruja, my aunt, was very friendly with Narciso Yepes, she was very close for a long time to him. They were the same bosom friends. My father had taken me to see him in the room Pleyel. On the other hand, he had refused to take him in his small van, his famous fiat 238. Yepes had badly taken him and had held against him there. He had squeezed me on the other hand the hand. Yepes liked very much the children, and gave a lot of course to youngs, a monument as knew how to him put itself as high as the children. I also worked in a musical house of young people ( MJC - Youth Association ) with Pierre Bénichou and Jean-Paul Beqvort, which also knew him, they are close relations of Jorge Cardoso. Yepes was probably, at least on the arithmetical, algebraic, the biggest plan which is. Only some some people, as Lagoya and Ida Presti, Segovia, his contemporaries, were so important. Siegfried Behrend also. I knew and saw twice with Hanifia Emmanuel Roessfelder, a pupil of Lagoya.

      The directory of Yepes is impressive, hallucinating even, as that of Ségovia. The guitar has 12 or 24 ropes, which he was made, was his bread job throughout his entire life. He and Maruja were very close, they even registered the Concerto of Aranjuez supervised by Kurt Masur. The record of the RTVE, Maruja had offered him to me, that with violins in first party, as wanted it Joachim Rodrigo. I however preferred the version of Behrend without violins, which is not the official version, but looks more of bitting from the introduction. But I would always remember Maruja's present, which not bad recorded with him.

     I I studied a lot the flamenco, in particular with Andres Serrita, the son of Serra and the spiritual son of Jose-Antonio Sabicas. I would have wished to play some of his leaders of work, as "Noche de Arabia", or " tropical Mosaico ". I just missed the time. Him as his father worked with Paco de Lucia. "El Pecino", my first professor of flamenco, is as him of Algéciras. The godfather of David was of San Pédro of Alcantara, not very far from there. It was at him one year.

    Today, I shall like returning to the modern music, to the blues, to the rythm' n blues and to the rock and roll there. But I have little time. I compose especially of the classic and the flamenco, and I shall also like taking out bases which are mine and beaten tracks. If I had more computing means, I could publish my partitions more easily. I knew big groups of rhythm and blues, left on the tracks of Clapton, in particular with childhood friends, Frédéric Roy, Martin-Boileu. They even finished to go in the United States, Mustapha was the singer and the soloist. In America, it is much more an applicant.

      I would not too much like to criticize Johnny Halliday, because he lived it's true. He was a very big artist, in particular by his vocal passages, the agreements and the harmonious passages of whom he always made a success. But he seems to me today old, he does not arrange any more all his means. Witness its rumbling discontent against the producers. He embittered. I however saw him in the concert which he had made for the city hall of Paris, the one who aroused bustles by his stamp too much consisting to the taste of some.

      Ingo saw Eddy Mitchell in concert, me I had the opportunity to see Jacques Higelin, who made a lot for the show, with quantity of special effects and effects of scene, accessories. Higelin is a Huguenot, a big artist of troop. Ingo does not love Johnny, but rather Elvis, Eddy Cochran, Gene Vincent and the other big of the rock. With David I had the opportunity among others to see The Dogs, one of the biggest French rock bands, with in particular this incredible soloist whom they have. Angelito, David and I had seen Foreigner in the arenas of Fréjus.

      With David I also had the opportunity to see Bashung, Rita Mitsouko, the Damned and others.

     The career of David's taxi badly ended. He who transported Gérard Oury, Michèle Morgan, that my father had gone to see in one of his last plays. She was called I believe " My last love will be for you ". He had gone to see her at the end of the part. Michèle Morgan is a very big actress, one of the biggest French actresses with Suzanne Flon. Her family had problems with the drug. My father was crazy about her.

      David lived bad, he had some punctual money troubles. His evil to live was only getting worse when it had separated from Laurence, her friend. And then, the terrible disease of my older brother arranged nothing. I would be kind enough to be able to face, but myself had problems of means. He had more and more become embittered, he had become more and more violent. And then he lost his employment with the Parisian taxis. The death of my father also weighed. Besides, he had problems with any sorts of people. I did not know how to pull him from there. It is as for Rémi Martin-Boileu, the childhood friend, who lost his son in a car accident. We don't know what to do anymore. We do not know how to make any more. Whole World falls you above.

      World is what it is. The life does not make us a present. I I doubtless knew how to put in perspective a little better, surmount my failures and the dramas of my life. And then I knew Hanifia. She is again handed on at Julien's Lepers's to Question for a champion. Recently she was substitute, but as the kitty fell she did not pass. She is ironed later, always in the studios of La Plaine Saint-Denis.

     She has already won with a friend. She lost in front of a deserving and very brilliant opponent, and we did see her on the television in September 2011. She had won with her I believe in the emission,issue " Motus ". I had accompanied her. We had eaten in Greek in front of studios.

      Now at Lepers, there is a canteen. She failed several times in French CAPES, she has a very good level and a very big general knowledge, a lot of knowledge. I have good hope. She knows almost everything on the literature and ancient French. Hanifia possesses a lot of knowledge and has a robust general knowledge. If she wins again.

      My mother travels since the death of my father a lot. She surrendered in at least 8 remote countries. In Saint-Petersburg and in Moscow, in Russia, to Königsberg, city of the ancient East Prussia, in Poland by or it passed.

      In Saint-Petersburg she had only two days to visit Hermitage, which is a little for a long time in competition with the Louvre. Hermitage is bigger in reality, even if the Louvre was enlarges, I moreover worked on its extension, for the square tower. Hermitage collects on the other hand many more objects, especially by their density. It would be necessary at least one week to visit it, and still, only partially. He has reserves at least so considerable as the Louvre.

      I took her to the airport there is little with Angelines ( Illan), she went to Antalya in Turkey or she already went three times, or she visited this time Capadocce. She went to Dubrovnik in Croacie after the end of the war, in Egypt, in Rome or she was able to see the incredible wealth amassed by Vatican, basilica Saint-Peter and the sixtine. She went also to Morocco, as Ingo.

    She travelled a lot and knows well the world. She intends to make another journey in East Prussia, or she was born, for Momehnen and Gerdauen-Neuendorf, cities which are today in Poland and in Russia. She was born to Gerdauen.

      All this tumult contributed to take away me from the painting and the traditional arts, but also brought its point of modernity. And then it is an opening on the world, because for my part I little travelled, I went only once to my beautiful family with Algeria.

    I would like one day to see South America, or Caribbean, but I really regret not having been able to go with her. Maybe one day if I reach the retreat. I shall like seeing Berlin and making the journey of East Prussia, or visiting my family of Dresden. Finally and why not, make one day the journey in Holy Land.

    Berthe Mann did not want to go in Turkey with Angelines and Christa because of the problems between Turkey and Israel. She is afraid.

      The rise in the soundings of the National Front does not sort out things either. Do people really want to go out of the euro? At any rate they should meditate on this question. When we have the most powerful currency of the world, it is not a question of turning the back in Europe. The Americans are too satisfied with this situation. And they are not the only ones.

      The FED had provoked the crash of 29 in the United States, I shall not go into details, Hitler had moreover managed to get round everybody by arriving at the just power at the time of the deflation, then there was a crisis of 1996 with subprimes. Every time all this led to world conflicts. This time, it would be possible that things take place in the same way. Witnesses turn to the red.

      The situation is very difficult. I worked recently as account manager. Recently I had made on a construction site boulevard Haussmann, and it is on the same boulevard moreover that Jean Sorel, who is very rich and comes and sees his wife every day in the workplace of Hanifia, possesses a particular building also. We passed there to see the exhibition on Romanov in the picture gallery of Paris, behind Madeleine.

     The exhibition, which collects collections deprived, is rather small and includes relatively few boards, but in particular however old man's portrait of Rembrandt, another old man's face of Tiepolo, some paintings of Spanish masters, among which Ribera, Alonso Cano, Murillo, from Dutch, Italian, Courbet, Derain, and so many others.

      If the nature is afraid of heights, and this sentence summarizes to her only all that he can have there of consisting in the work of my father, I have to say that the paintings of Hermitage (not the church Hermita of toro, but Hermitage of Saint-Petersburg), that he dreamed to see one day, are luxurious masterpieces, and those of the exposure in the picture gallery are there only a tiny part, besides this exposure includes only relatively few paintings.

      The recent and terrible earthquake in Japan, followed by a horrifying tsunami which crossed off cities of the map, without counting the even worse problems with the explosion of several nuclear reactors, still demonstrates to which point the nature to horror of the space. Myself feel dizzy in front of the strength and the power of the nature, we are only of insignificant wisps of straw. The consequences will be very grave. 

     If the Jews are no more than 13 millions on earth, it is necessary to know that Hitachi, with whom I worked and who also makes coolers in the nuclear power, is in fact from the very beginning a family and paternalistic company, not a government corporation, but deprived. It underlines the scale of the problem in the approach of the nuclear stakes.

      The nuclear power would rather be confided to nationalized companies, with an advisory committee and representative organs. The problem of the cooling is that are needed at least one or two backup systems, if not more.

      Today we see it more and more, the situation is terribly difficult. A colleague of Hanifia lost his brother, a young policeman in official list of Ivory. He fell in an ambush stretched out by the rebels. She came to work and we suddenly announced it to her. She in of to return still moreover.

     As for the nuclear disasters in Japan, in civil wars in Lybie and in official list of ivory, they lead us more and more towards the abyss. The ecologists mark points. An alternative for the nuclear power is needed. Will she come to a better management of the strength driving tide? Other discoveries? We do not know it at the moment, but we know that the nuclear power maybe very dangerous among others combined in natural disasters. Its human and technical management is in question. In the same way I did not succeed in managing the situation with David.

      Recently, I was lucky to pass one week to Guardamar del segura, in Valencian, and the other one to Toro. I was very touched to see again Toro, who did not change a lot. Since Guardamar, we went back up to Alicante, and having been able to admire his bulwarks, we also came down on Cartagena, or we were able to see the Roman amphitheater and the magnificent balconies of the city.

     To Toro, we visited in particular Santi Spiritus's monastery, arenas, churches, convents, Colegiata, Hermita, Téjar, our property, and the other places. We came down in Spain by Catalonia, and we went back up by the Basque country and the moors. Which emotion by seeing again Toro, or Mere possesses an apartment in a street which looks onto Colegiata. From there, we went with Angelito to Zamora, then to Tordesillas.

    The views on Pelléas and Valdefinjas, of who are the ancestors of my father, are magnificent.

      Mere possesses a magnificent picture of my father, a representation with Joseph, and Marie presenting him the child Jesus. Santi Spiritus's convent is two or three streets from Mere. A sister has us welcomed, and a lady who was in the consitoire with Juan Basi, the brother of Ambrosito and the other son of Atilana, her sister, showed us the monastery and his admirable paintings.

     Doña Beatriz of Portugal, the woman of Juan primero, rests there. On the top, its crown is taken away from the head, because it had lost the war of succession of Portugal. She was a queen of Spain 8 days I believe. On the side, " tired descalzas " he put the crown on the head, because they still considered her queen of Portugal.

      There are marvels in this convent, of which an olive tree of more than 800 years, exceptional works of the Spanish and Flemish medieval art. Toro is also the city of both girls of the Cid Campeador, of whom Léonor, who did not live far. The house of Cid is to Zamora, we also saw her.

     When we came down to Hermita, Ambrosito was with his friend Angelito there also showed us the former bastion of kings of Spain, and a place or are today associations " Conde " I do not know any more what, Marquina, something like that. Pillars and wooden marquetterie were redone on three floors.

      In guardamar, Mere and Javi has an apartment, rest of the family also, Ramon also has an apartment. I wanted to see Victoria, the small sister of Noël.

      I read Allen Carr's book to stop smoking on the beaches of Guardamar. The park Alphonse (X or XII I believe) which looks onto the beach is remarkable, with his peacocks and them cries of love, his squirrels, his tortoises, its ducks and his gooses.

      Really we went from Guardamar to Madrid by going back up by Madrid, and in passing Escorial and Valle of los caïdos, then in passing province of Segovia and that it seems to me of Avila. With my father, we often stopped to Tordesillas or Villanueva del Campo, but not this time. We went after our arrival there.

      The main view of Toro on the plain of Duero is always so majestic, and the Roman bridge which we crossed is also a marvel. A big grass-snake waited for us upon our arrival in Téjar, it bronzed in the sun, as to welcome us.

     Hanifia registered in " Question for a champion ", I accompanied her in the plain of Landy, not far from the Stade de France, or the make-up man and the hairdresser received her. She competed in the afternoon, and the broadcast should pass by September 9th 2011 or something like that.

      Since my return of Spain, I followed the current events, the Arab Spring, and if Hanifia is very to the left, I am however afraid of the difficulty which waits for these peoples to take in hand and in load, the task is formidable, and we can be afraid of counter-revolutions or against reforms. Until now, we especially attended a blood bath, and every camp ignores and fights.

      For my part, I was particularly moved to see again my country, and to be able to take in to me in front of the family vault and Vicente's grave, my uncle and the husband of Mere, to see again Javier and Angelito, my cousins, without counting the children of Javier.

      I would want that the world is easier, that the work, the peace are accessible to all, and the movement of the indignant is also the one of people who ask for the work. Spain counts 20 % of unemployed persons against 9 % in France.

     Angelito, which is the most illuminated with us all, is the one which supports most this movement, which was very active to Zamora, tents rose on the place.

      What wants " Los indignados ", it is to make move lines, there or the communist party took care to make it previously. Today, he does not exist any more, then it needed an alternative, the other forms of contesting.

      Certainly, would be needed more solidarity, but States subject to the rule of law also react. Every country wants to be able to insure the safety and the public law. But it is necessary to recognize that only the mobilization can allow to assure new social victories.

      To see again Toro, the home town of my father, has me for revived, which emotion by crossing the first bow of the city, and by reaching el Arco del Reloj. We set on the left once arrived at its height to by-pass the main avenue and go to Mere. Legendary city, cradle of the Christendom in Spain, city which represents so much for the country. Doña Pilar of Borbon inaugurated the renovation work of Colegiata, which are in progress. My father so painted in this city and in the surroundings. Can his memory guide us in our future orientations, become so difficult in this day and age.

      We walked in Toro, for example since el Arco del Reloj in the other passage, Manolita, a friend of tia Angelita, lived in this street.

      In bars, we heard the clamors due to the victory of the barça in section of Europe. Old Spain is alive, and more than ever.

      Esperanza, the guide who showed us arenas, was a typical "toresana" of the region, with it to speak Spanish so particular and so charming. I put with a group at the exit arenas. We saw again Esperanza near Colegiata, at the exit of the museum which is on the main street of the Arco del Reloj. As the lady knew Angelito, she let us visit the museum free of charge.

      There is a few weeks, we went to see " The cat of the rabbi ", a movie pulled by a drawn band, with a music of Enrico Macias. I was not able to see the exposure Manet, but I saw that of the city hall of Paris, and that of Giverny. 

     Ingo returned of China, or he visited again Pekin and went to Wu Deng one thousand km more to the South, Wu Deng cradle of the arts to inter (Thai Chi, Chi Kong etc.). He returned with interesting news. Chinese work by craftsmen the copper and paint it in diverse colors, only the inside of objects is not tight.

     All the same, China was occupied by Mongolian until 1920. He returned with the small red book of quotations of Mao Tse Toung. I shall stain to read it good time for all.

      My mother left for Germany till the end of the month. I read Patrick Süskind's book " flavor ", that I found not bad, and I am on the reading of the book " the Prince ", of Machiavelli. Hanifia was on television by September 8th or 9th 2011, having registered in " Questions for a champion ". She thus lost in front of a candidate it is necessary to say it so particularly brilliant.

     Highly-rated work that did not too much walk this year. I realized the air conditioning of the embassy of the Burkina Faso recently. But I am maybe going to return in the medical middle, because the missions are too unstable.

      Finally, Hanifia passed in Questions a champion on September 8th, 2011, and she reached the final as in 2003. His winner, very brilliant, is still in the run. She is going to hand on to Motus, or she had won with a friend.

      September 11th is our wedding anniversary, because we got married one year before the attacks of the Worl Trade Center. José-Mari, which was operated, had an accident with a wolf in the neighborhood of Barcelona. There was nothing of the car and the wolf, but it went out of it he unhurt.

      At Sunday, September 11th 2011 the ambassador of Germany made a speech for the German church. My mother was there and I had to go there, but finally I did not go there.

      Finally, Michel, the winner of Hanifia won then 5 times and brings down the kitty. He said about Hanifia that he was nibbled. She realized a beautiful ascent in front of him and will have been one of her most severe opponents.

      Hanifia passed to Motus on October 6th. She won 500 Euro. We went to see the movie " a pig for Gaza " which is a remarkable funny parody of the relations israëlo Palestinian. I hope that we can obtain the credit for our detached house.

      I am on the reading of Sartre's portrait by himself, what should allow me to arrest better its work. 

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  • 14.10.2013

    Message aux internautes allemands

    Chers amis internautes,

    Mon père, le peintre et laqueur décorateur Manuel Diez Matilla, aura comme ma famille, cotoyé toute sa vie des personnalités importantes de l’histoire allemande.

    Ce blog se compose de :

    -         Deux textes autobiographiques de cet artiste majeur, qui relatent l’incendie de l’église Santa Catalina à Toro. Celle oû beaucoup d’œuvre du Berruguete ont notamment disparu.

    -         Un manuel d’introduction au métier de peintre laqueur décorateur en 4 parties

    -         11 études psychologiques remaniées au fur et à mesure

     J’insisterai uniquement, sur le fait qu’il ait beaucoup fréquenté la baronne Goury de Roslan, née von Moltke, pour qui sa sœur Angelita a travaillé une vingtaine d’années. Le grand-père de mes cousins d’Allemagne, Opa Line, était pratiquement dans la même conjuration qui faillit assassiner Hitler. Moltke était des conjurés.

     Le monde est fait de coïncidences troublantes, et sa mort jette le trouble, puisqu’il était un des derniers témoins de son temps que l’on peut qualifier d’important.

    Il y a quelques mois, l’ambassadeur d’Allemagne est venu rappeler à l’église allemande, que les pasteurs représentent aussi leur pays. Il a depuis ete remplacé par une femme, très récemment. J’ai essayé de traduire les textes au fur et à mesure.

    Ma mère a ete invitée à l'ambassade, au palais Beauharnais, avec Mme le pasteur Buttler et la deutsche Evangelische Kirche.


      Bonne lecture et bonne visite.


       Christian Diez Axnick.


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  • Jeudi 6 mars 2014


                                                                                   Chers amis internautes,


      Ce blog vous l’aurez compris brosse et détaille une partie de l’œuvre de mon père, le grand peintre et laqueur décorateur Manuel Diez Matilla. C’était un immense maître, et parfois on ne sait pas exactement par quel bout le prendre tellement son rayonnement a été vaste et tant les temps ont changé. La maîtrise n'est plus la même et les technologies ont évolué. On est progressivement passé de la laque cellulosique au vernis polyester dans l'ameublement.

      La société évolue, et autant elle ne lui a manifesté que peu d’égards et une bien piètre reconnaissance, autant elle ne garde que peu de souvenirs de lui, même si sa production a été gigantesque. Pourtant peu de grands peintres ont atteint un tel niveau, et ses successeurs sont d’ailleurs assez rares. Je pense à Grisbert par exemple, dans sa branche professionnelle.

      Quoiqu’il en soit, j’ai essayé de m’aventurer dans certains domaines, afin de rendre une meilleure explication de son œuvre, du moins au sens global du terme, de façon à mieux dépeindre le contexte de sa carrière. J’ai essayé de donner, de dégager des lignes directrices.

      Sa mort à 63 ans en 91, puis celle dramatique de mon frère David en 99, m’on forcé et contraint à me remettre aussi en cause. Sans compter une opération de la corne de l'épiploon, une douloureuse arthrite, un peu trop d'acide urique, bref des problèmes de santé personnels. J'ai malgré tout le souci de restituer la vie des acteurs de la grande époque. L'industrie du luxe a évolué, elle s'est démocratisée depuis les années 70.

     J’eus aimé que l’on prenne mieux en compte les risques pris par les entrepreneurs pour leur santé, par exemple leur exposition aux produits chimiques, et tant d’autres risques.

      Mais le monde est ce qu’il est, et dans ces textes, dont deux sont de lui, je me suis évertué à tenter de retracer les idées forces dans lesquelles il ne s’est pas non plus engagé à la légère, en espérant que ce travail de vulgarisation puisse à son propre tour profiter au grand public. J'ai récupéré quelques unes des notes qu'il prenait au crayon dans son atelier, avant sa démolition.

      Je suis parti d’une intention assez large. A un moment, je pensais aussi faire un manuel pour le métier de vernisseur sur bois, polyester, polyuréthane, mais je me suis dis que le moment n’était pas encore venu, et que notre métier doit se suffire à lui-même.

      J'ai achevée la traduction en anglais, vous avez été jusqu’à 18 297 visiteurs sur Centerblog, et vous êtes actuellement un peu plus de 28 381 sur blogg.org. C’est un grand succès d'écoute et de vulgarisation, qui prouve que l'amour du public est réciproque. Le cap des 46 618 visiteurs est déjà franchi.

      Il ne faut pas oublier les sacrifices exigés par notre métier, ou encore l’opprobre dont il a parfois fait l’objet, tant les médias déversent sur nous des flots de contre-vérités ou emploient la sous-information, voire le mensonge par omission.

      En tous les cas, je suis attaché à ce travail objectif d’information, de mise en relief, et pour rien au monde je ne voudrais qu’on nous oublie une fois de plus, et qu’on laisse l’artisanat sur le bas coté de la route. Tant a été fait, et il y a tant à dire sur notre corporation.

      Quoiqu’il en soit, je vous remercie pour votre attention, car elle confirme ce que j’ai toujours pensé, Manuel Diez était un grand artiste, un précurseur, un personnage hors-normes, un peintre espagnol comme il n’en existe plus d’un tel caractère, un coloriste et un maître de la patine hors-pair. Sur la photo du haut, on le voit en train de graver un de ses décors dans l'ancien atelier avec l'outil.

      Il a atteint le firmament dans les années 50,60,70,80. C'était véritablement un des plus grands laqueur décorateur de son époque et un immense peintre. Manuel Diez a aussi ete le continuateur de la république de 1936, celle des Torroba, De Falla, Albéniz, celle du Caracol, de Tarrega, de Rodrigo, de Sor et de tant d'autres.

     Immense compositeur de décors floraux, asiatiques et aquatiques, sur meubles et sur tables, il a beaucoup peint tout au long de sa vie, réalisant des centaines d'oeuvre à l'huile, à la cellulosique, au pastel.


      Avec mes plus sincères remerciements au public qui l’a supporté et suivi.


         Christian Diez.

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    Lehrbuch von Einführung ins Handwerk von Maler laqueur Dekorateur



    Sinopsis und Zusammenhang des Werkes von Manuel Diez Matilla


    Erneuerung in Donnerstag, dem 7. April 2011


    Von Christian Diez Axnick


    Teil 4





















    Die Schönheit ist Gotteswort. Selbst wenn ich den Werk von Pablo Camino nicht kenne, weiß ich, daß er ein universaler Verweis innerhalb des hispanismus ist, und sogar in der Weltplan. Das fasst die durch unser Urteil geforderte Abstraktion wirklich zusammen. Man gelingt daher schnell " danach er die Gottesgedanken zu denken ", sobald man sich in den krummen Umwegen der Ästhetik und der verwechselten Mathematiken verpflichtet. Weil Gott der Einzige ist, der die Sachen anders gemacht hat.


    Nach allem ist der einzige Nachfolger von Charles-Quint Jaime de Mora y Aragon, und die Valois setzen zu existieren fort, die hatten uns einen kir sogar angeboten wie ich ihn höher mit Nina und Xavier gesagt hatte.


    Von Chenonceaux nach Villandry mit seinen großartigen Frühlingsblumen, Azay-le-rideaux, bis zu Chartres mit seiner außerordentlichen Kathedrale in den aufwendigen Kirchenfenstern, der ein die schönsten von Frankreich und sogar von Europa und von der Welt, wo sich ein Umschlagtuch, das weiß ist, das der Jungfrau Maria gewährt ist, findet, man sieht ihn, ist unser Land groß geworden, wenn er die Künstler der anderen Länder, der anderen Ecken und von der Welt am meisten zurückgeschobener Orte empfangen hat. Selbes Land ist klein und verachtenswert, als seine Leiter eine Grenze in ihrer Macht, in ihrer rassistischen Konzeption nicht mehr stellen, ihrem Haß und ihrer Mißachtung unterschiedlicher Verehrungen, und sogar aller Verehrungen.


    Eben mangels kompetenter und klarsehender Verwaltungsbeamter sind diese Leute nicht verfolgt und wirken auf den Vorderteil der Szene ganz ungestraft ein. Leute wie Fillon, Fabius und andere De Villiers haben seinen Platz im Gefängnis, da, wo sie die Macht wirklich haben wollen, dort andere zu senden. Das ist eine unbestreitbare Tatsache. Man braucht eine Gegenmacht, und man kennt ihn seitdem.


    Die universale Ausdehnung unterschiedlicher Verehrungen, die gegebenenfalls mit dem Laizismus sogar verbunden ist, kann sich anpassen solcher Individuen und Personen, nicht mehr, als die Demokratie.


    Es handelt sich offen in Europa nicht, nicht mehr als in Frankreich, zurück zurückzukehren, die Vergangenheit, seine Einlage, die Emanzipation zu zweifeln, die er uns bis jetzt gebracht hat. Weder für Zurbaran, noch für Murillo, noch für die italienischen, französischen, deutschen oder englischen Herren. Die Kunst ist aus den Zusätzen, aus der Suche, aus den Neuerungen, aus den Objekten, aus den Ideen gemacht. Frankreich ist ein tiefes Land, in den politischen Eliten leider völlig, die durch die am meisten sozialen Realitäten weitergeschoben sind.


    Der Homo politicus ist ein niederträchtiges und schmutziges Wesen geworden. Das ist eine Tatsache, an die sich unsere zerstückelte Demokratie gewöhnt hat, und deshalb versucht sie, ihre Kräfte aus den traditionellen und altüberlieferten Prinzipien zu schöpfen, um diese unablässigen Angriffe gegen ihre Körper früher besser zu bekämpfen, die gebildet sind.


    Aber die beste Antwort auf diese Krise kommt wirklich immer der Basis. Ich denke zum Beispiel meinem Pfarrer von Taufe, der RP Don Primitivo Belver, sehr treuen Anhänger des Kardinales Ratzingers der Jahre schon, bevor er ein Papst gewählt ist. Ich glaube, daß einziges Glück des Christentum in der Kraft und dem Scharfblick seiner Analyse, in der Qualität und dem Mut seiner Kritik ist.




    Der ésotérismus, die Metaphysik, die Wissenschaften des Zufalles sollen einzeln behandelt sein, wie alles, das in der Kompliziertheit des Lebens auf Land und der Berichte unter den Männern gemelkt hat.


    Es macht einigen Jahren machte ich die Reservierungen und den carottage in der Bleiverarbeitung für das Souterrain und die Stockwerke des Senats, und als so viele Arbeiter und leitende Angestellte, ich glaube, daß unendliche an einiger Höhe von Blick vereinigte Vorsicht allein der Kirche erlauben kann, eine weltliche Nachricht weiterzugeben, um tausendjährig nicht zu sagen, ohne fanatiser zu transzendieren oder sie die Bevölkerungen der Welt arm zu machen.

    Später machte ich die CVC Universitätsklinik  von Amiens, die trotz alledem 5 Nobelpreise in seinem Aktiv hat. In letzter Zeit, wie ich es in der psychologischen Reihe angebe, mache ich lieber aus dem Bauwesen. Ich bin zum Geheimnis verpflichtet. Meine Arbeiten sollen ins Unternehmen im allgemeinen zurückkehren, das mich verwendet.


    Ich bin für eine duldsame und starke Linie, im Respekt vor den Menschenrechten.

    Es ist wahr, daß der Zeichner, Planer im Laufe der der Jahre, der ich, in der Bleiverarbeitung, in der Bewetterungsanlage, im Gebäude, in der Architektur bin, nur immer weniger Zeit hat, in der Kunst zu widmen, sondern dennoch, ich mache im allgemeinen sehr gründliche Studien für meine Themen, einschließlich die modernen Themen, selbst wenn der Berg mangels der Zeit manchmal von einer Maus entbindet. Ich bin mich dagegen viel etoffiert, ich beherrsche sehr unterschiedliche Gebiete besser, aber die schließlich sich treffen. Dagegen, ich, wenig, und vor allem von modernen Werken gemalt, die nach viel Konzeption fragen. Ich habe mich schließlich von der klassischen Kunst entfernt.


    Die Familiendramen, die ich gekannt habe und noch, diese sukzessiven Dramen kenne, haben ich schließlich nur wenige Zeit gelassen, in der Art zu widmen. Ich denke dagegen, daß es immer große Künstler geben wird, weil Frankreich das geöffnete Land bleibt. Ich bin aus der Partei der Arbeiter ausgeschieden, weil ich ihn auf ihm sogar sehr zusammengelegt schließlich gefunden habe, jedesmal den Rücken in Europa drehend. Die Lage der Partei hat mir im Finale zu antieuropäisch zu sein geschienen. Ich war lieber für Verhandlungen weniger catégorielles und erweiterter, aber ich habe gefunden, daß manche oder solche Klasse jedesmal das Dazwischenstellen zwischen der Basis, den Kämpfern, und der Richtung spielte. Unsere Kämpfer haben viel gelitten, viel gegeben, und man hat sie zugunsten unbegreiflicher Dogmen verlassen.


    Ich hatte gewünscht mehr Realismus im Auftrag der Kämpfer, und etwas weniger Unwissenheit der grausamsten Realitäten. Es gibt einen Verantwortlichkeitsmangel, aber der Mut unserer Kämpfer stellt nicht in Frage. Ihr Wille, die Gesellschaft auch zu ändern.

    Aber es ist wahr, daß ich keiner Partei wirklich bin. Für mich ist eine Partei ein Ort von Austausch der Ideen, des Widerspruches, und im letzten Ort ein Gebiet von wenn möglichem Konsens. Tatsächlich hat die widerspruchsvolle Debatte, die wir gehabt haben, nicht geführt.


    Man braucht einen neuen Weg. Sie geht von der Vereinheitlichung der Europäer um gemeinsame Werte. Weil Europa gegenüber mächtigem konkurrierendem, schrecklichem, erschreckendem Imperialismus, behalten und eine Kapazität von Union bewahren soll, und wird das sie es ohne Verhandlung, als auch in der Verneinung ihrer jungen Vergangenheit niemals erreichen. Zu oft drehen unsere Leiter den Rücken in den großen Projekten von morgen. Das ist uns alle, eine Verständigungsgrundlage zu finden, zu gelingen, uns zu vereinigen.






    Ich bilde den Wunsch, daß man versteht, und die ziemlich junge Veröffentlichung des Evangeliums von Judas hat diesem Letzten eine Art von Tribüne, im Maß gegeben wo Judas schien die Religion jüdische, selbst seine Metaphysik und die Philosophie, tatsächlich die Torah sehr gut zu kennen, daß Jesus nicht dieselbe Sache ganz dachte wie er, selbst wenn diese Texte die beiden Männer heranrücken. Nicht daß man Judas eines intellektuellen Blickpunktes nicht rehabilitieren muß, wäre es die Konzeption zu verfälschen, die er seiner Mission hatte, aber ich glaube, daß man unermüdlich erinnern muß, daß die Unterrichte des Christus den seinen überlegen bleiben.


    Das Testament von Judas hat eine bessere Presse bewahrt als das Evangelium von Judas. Jenseits dieser Fragen, und meine Mutter möchte das Testament zu lesen, finden wir, daß das Evangelium unvollständig ist, und daß einige Daten verfälscht, ausgewichen sind. Sie geben keinen Zusammenhang genug gut zurück, weil die Texte beschädigt gewesen sind.


    Eigentlich, das während des zweiten Weltkrieges gelitten hat, dennoch vor allem die deutschen Juden, die deutschen Kommunisten, die Republikaner, die Demokraten-Christen, die Gelähmten, die Behinderten, die Homosexuellen, die Behinderten, in einigen Arten die nutzlosen durch das Regime gefundenen Münder. Der gegenwärtigen Welt, sich gegen Deutschland verbündet, sollte annehmen, daß sie auch ihr Wort zu sagen haben kann. Ich glaube, daß ein Tag Deutschland russische und amerikanische Vormundschaften wird loswerden sollen, und auch imstande zu sein, sich zu schützen und zu schlagen. Ihre lebensnotwendigen Interessen fordern ihr gegenüber neuen Drohungen, die überall in der Welt ein wenig auftauchen. Man muß Deutschland ihrer Vergangenheit ausreißen.


    Schliesslich nach Eugène Ionesco hat Gérard de Nerval, der über Gonesse, die Teiche von Comelles sprach wo sich Blanche de Castille, die Mutter von Saint-Louis, und auch die berühmte Dame Blanche, nach so vielem Künstler machte, denen gelungen ist, die Kritik, die außergewöhnliche Kunst von Manuel Diez Matilla wieder aufkommen zu lassen, die lange im Tal der Oise gelebt hat, ein zweites Leben in der Ölmalerei, in den bildmäßigen Normen, im Gebiet der Verhältnisse unter den Künstlern, in den Jahren einflößen können, um so zu sagen, die der Entdeckung und dem endgültigen indentification des Knochenhaufens von Jesus vorangehen.


    Für die Anekdote wäre das Schloß der weißen Königin, gegenüber Teichen von Comelles (oder Teiche der Dame Blanche), dasjenige wo Blanche de Castille, die Mutter von Saint-Louis, wäre infolge eines Ehebruches cloitriert gewesen.


    Echte Ikone des Hügels Montmartres in den letzten Jahren ihres Lebens, meines Vaters hatte ihren Stil, er hat seine Betrachtungsweise der Sachen einflößen können. In meinem Geist ist er unvermeidlich, und einer der letzten bekannten Künstler bleibt, der Perioden in Spanien, in Frankreich gehabt hat, und der sich zehn große Maler angeschlossen hat, die sich auf dem Hügel, besonders in 12 Straße Cortot, das etwas tiefer liegende Schiff-Waschhaus aufgehalten haben.


    Ich bilde den Wunsch, daß unser gemarterter Beruf eines Tages seiner Asche wieder aufkommt.

    Die Schaffung des CA.P. laqueur hälfe Dekorateur dem Zustand viel, die Bildung der Künstler von morgen zu versichern; kann sein Wunsch exauciert sein.


    Es ist wahr, daß die gegenwärtigen Welt, die aus lobbyings gemacht ist, gezappt haben, durch einen Künstler ihrer Charakterstärke verbracht ist. Ein Maler wie machte sich er besser verdient. Manchmal habe ich den Eindruck, daß die Massenmedien die Partei ergriffen haben, uns zu destabilisieren, und die elf psychologischen Studien, die ich ihm widme, sollten teilweise dieses Problem elementarer Demokratie beseitigen.




    Ich denke, daß es noch Zeit ist, den Puls der Eindrücke nehmen zu können, die er hinter ihm, seines Zeichens und seiner unsterblichen Spur zurückgelassen hat. Er sagte mir manchmal, lachend "Filosofia Don Diego", sei ein Philosoph. Man machte nicht viele Philosophie daraus im Haus; alles war in der Malerei gewidmet. Sein völliges Leben war ihm gewidmet. Das hat mich bis heute konditioniert.


    Heute mit dem Alter, habe ich mehr Rückgang. Ich mache mir klar, was es ist, zu malen, in Grund manchmal kritisiert müßig, unverstanden geblieben bin. Dafür bin ich ein lebhafter Zeuge der Geschichte gewesen, die sich vor mir beschleunigt hat. Es ist nicht, ohne die Träne eben im Auge zu haben, das ich in der Entwicklung der Sachen, nach Maßgabe meiner Reisen in Deutschland anwesend gewesen bin, die schließlich zahlreicher gewesen sind als in Spanien. " Kuk mal dir Arme Leute  ", sagte mir Marita, als man Bilder von Massenmorden im Fernsehen verbrachte. Das hat nichts ihm zu verstehen, und dennoch ist es dieses Protokoll, derjenige der dramatischen Entwicklung der Sachen schrecklich.


    Bauen ist nicht einfach, zu zerstören ist leicht. Deutschland hat verloren und verliert des Einflusses, "Einfluss", sagt man. Und sie ist nicht allein in diesem Fall, aber ihre Lage ist schon immer besonders empfindlich.


    Man wird kein Genie wiedermachen wie Manuel Diez, mit allem, was das verwickelt und wie Folgen kurz sehen läßt. Da noch bin ich auf dem sellette, auf dem grill. Ich versuche, Zeit zu malen zu finden, aber ich habe keine Mittel mit meiner kleinen Wohnung von Garges, lebhaft das Haus, lebhaft, daß man auch nach Spanien und in Algerien mit meiner Frau gehen wird.


    Ich brauchte eine Werkstatt für meine alten Tage. Wessen, mir zu erlauben, mich auf dem Handplan etwas besser zu organisieren. Man kann in den kleinen Wohnungen der Städte nicht malen. Die Malerei riecht stark. Und dann ist meine Mutter, wie meine Frau sehr kritisch. Kürzlich ist eben Norbert gekommen, den Salon neu zu streichen. Er ist 57 Jahre alt trotz alledem schon.


    Ich habe mit Norbert, meinem Onkel immer gut gefühlt. Er ist operiert gewesen wie Uwe. Uwe des Kopfes und er des vésicule. Sie haben mich viel schaschlick daher tief zurückgebracht. Ich bin ein großer Liebhaber. Ich bete die deutsche Küche, den patisseries, Monkuchen, Streuzelkuchen an. Der deutsche patisserie ist ausgezeichnet, bemerkenswert. Ich bin Deutschlands schlemmerisch geblieben. Der patisseries kostet den pastas und den bollos von Spanien gut. Mein Vater war im spanischen Lager mehr, was normal ist. Ich habe ich ein Auge auf Deutschland, und sogar zwei immer behalten, selbst wenn ich auf die polvorones ausbin.


    Edith, meine Tante, fand mir wenige Ehre. Man kann die Sachen auf diese Weise sehen, das ist wahr.

    Aber mein Herz schlägt auch für Deutschland. Selbst wenn ich mich nicht täusche. Aber ich bin meiner Ursprünge und dessen bewußt, was sie ins alltägliche Leben verwickeln.


    Meine Mutter ist in Kreis Neuendorf geboren, der sich in gegenwärtigem Rußland findet. Ihre Schwester Gerda ist in 6 Km daher, in Momehnen, das gegenwärtige Polen geboren. Der andere Teil von orientalischem Expreußen, die Dritte, ist heute ein baltischer Zustand. Das letzte Mal, daß ich nach Deutschland gegangen bin, wir sind zu Dieter und Gerda gegangen.


    Ja, Jesus Christus spricht über "dezimiere" der Wahrheit, weil er in den allgemeinen Termini diskutiert. Wir sind zahlreich Diez in der Welt zu heißen. Wir sind alle selben nicht, wir haben alle dieselben Ideen nicht. Aber wir haben alle Familiendramen gekannt, wir sind alle im Unverständnis gegenübergestellt gewesen.

    Eigentlich sind unsere Leben diffus, linear, turbulent. Man kann alles nicht leicht vergleichen.

    Manchmal sind wir isoliert, sind uns selbst geliefert und ängstlich. Aber nicht so viel. Es kommt uns vor, zu reagieren, einige Triebe, einige Reaktionen zu haben. Es handelt sich um den Einfluß viel, das ist eine Tatsache. Aber manchmal auch mischt sich das Privatleben auf die Weise ein, es ist unsicher, manche wenn eine Wahrheit wahr von Gott auf unsere Leben hinuntergebracht warst. Und dann, nach und nach, verschwimmt sie erneut. Man geht in anderer Sache.

    Das Leben reserviert uns alles ein wenig.


    Frankreich ist eine vermeintliche Macht, ein hydre mit einem aufgerissenen Maul. Aber man relativiert immer schließlich, ohne alles auf sich dafür zurückzubringen. Beide, was vom Gewehr notiert ist, sind einer anderen unterschiedlich, das ist so. Ich mache Irrtümer, ich häufe es an, ich soll annehmen und diese Irrtümer bezahlen.

    Ich wollte nicht um alles in der Welt nur meine Familie oder meine Angehörigen machen die Kosten meiner Irrtümer.

    Vor einiger Zeit ist der Onkel von Hanifia zu alzheimer gestorben, das Leben setzt fort, uns allem wegzunehmen, uns unsere Angehörigen wegzunehmen. Er war sehr nett. Das Leben geht weg, es verläßt eine und andere, der Tod tänzelt und kommt, diejenigen zu kitzeln, die bleiben. Wir sind sterblich, das ist eine Tatsache.

    Daniel Parent, einer unserer Kindheitsfreunde, ist vor zwei Jahren eines Betriebsunfalles gestorben. Er arbeitete am Großkraftwerk von Ivry. Er sollte eine Bedienung mit zwei anderen Angestellten machen, die er allein hat machen wollen. Eine elektrische Gesamtheit ist ihm darauf gefallen. Er hat einen Stromstoß bekommen. Alles ist ihm auf dem Gesicht gefallen. So geht das Leben. Unsere Generationen verschwinden schrittweise, nach und nach, unsere Kräfte verringern sich, allesgeht zu ende. Diese Dramen lassen uns verdutzt und leichenblaß, Frager und blaß. Daniel war in der CGT. Er ist sein ganzes Leben militant gewesen. Er bezahlte die Marke und die Semester.

    Armer Daniel, er läßt ein Sohn Waise und so viele Freunde in der Umsichtigkeit. Er war, volles Leben und Begeisterung jung. Das war ein Gewerkschaftler immer. Er hatte sich seinen 4X4 gegenüber bei uns ein Jahr entwenden lassen.




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