• Psy-2-english


    Manuel Diez Matilla: a forgotten fate



    Psychoanalysis of the work of Manuel Diez Matilla


    2th part

    Revision in Saturday, December 8th, 2012

    By Christian Diez Axnick
























     Manuel or the insurance and the maturity.

    Who says psychoanalysis, means in this try of wider understanding of the work of
    this immense artist, who painted hundreds and thousands of paintings which are
    all masterpiece, lean on a correct reasoning, constructed, and concrete.

    We do not decipher easily thousand one facets of such a work, in borders so distant
    some of the others, in the differentiations so particular in the apprehension
    of our time. For example for my father the theater was a major art.


    The endocrinology constitutes one of the bases, one of
    the bases of the thought and the psychiatric explanation. The book " Les
    hormone sexuelles " from the professor K.D . Voigt and of the doctor H.
    Schmidt, appeared at Robert Laffont, seems to me to constitute a good
    introduction in this science developed early enough. Here, I risk a parallel.

    A real Goliath as Manuel Diez Matilla, a genius so
    lively, so deep, cannot study itself that by taking into account all the
    meaning of a word of the term psychoanalyse.


    It is better to know already the5 main monotheist religions, among which the Judaism,
    the Christianity (Protestantism, luthérianism and Catholicism), the Islam with
    the Saint Koran, without forgetting the others, so much in practise them that
    in them foundations, so as to dread better and envisage a work of such a
    dimension and such a complexity in the approach of the subjects of society.

    Without counting we said it the Buddhism, the Hinduism, the oriental and far eastern
    religions, because my father worked in the lacquer of china and Venice all his
    life or almost, let us say during most of his life activates. I know a little
    less these religions, even if I a little got acquainted with the Buddhism at
    the university.


    I like the book "Spirite", of a big poet Indian and Sufi as Kabir, whom I
    read because Nina had him at her home. I know clearly less the rest. It is a
    big book of spirituality.

    The question is before any a question of discernment. The artist knew lively and
    profound transformations and evolutions, with one guiding principles stable:
    his method, its pictorial style. His thought also evolved one thing leading to
    another. His maturity was constant and rested.

    It is better to know also the art history in the region of Zamora, Valladolid, Toro,
    to Toledo and Burgos, and even farther, so many things and artists confirm each
    other there.

    I wouldsay that this dimension corresponds to the debuts, to the launching of the

    Zurbaran, Ribera, so many others merged in this inseparable universe.

    One of the friends of my father, Marie Raso Moutinho, had in her family a close
    relation named Isabelle Wallon Raso, who lives today not far from Toledo, or
    from the highly-rated of Girona. Her name is so Allemand ( german), as Aléman.

    I recommend if we approach the classic part of the work of my father the reading
    of the book " Les figure de style ", of Catherine Fromilhague, to nathan
    University, which draws up well the panorama of the tropes in the literature or
    the theater





    Another one decorates who can turn out very useful in the understanding of its work is
    called " The key terms of the analysis of the theater ", of Anne
    Ubersfeld, appeared to Editions du Seuil.

    We cannot be satisfied with the ignorance, as soon as we try to explain better
    were which the passions and the dramas, the incomprehension in which such an
    artist sometimes lived.

    Because nowadays and with the times which run, the society does not recognize the big
    artists, but tries to reduce them to the strict limits that it settled.

    To tell the truth, at Manuel Diez, the ascent of the psyche is a known fact, the need
    and the envy to paint are constant data of its life. It is the painter of the
    need and of moment. The " moment ", the mathematical term, is
    the moment who he chose to begin a work, to finish it and finalize it as one
    goes along.

    It is another relation with the pictorial creation, one other corpuses who the
    painter and his work make only one, join, divide, part, meet again, according to
    the progress of their relationship the one with the other one.

    Manuel Diez lives on another planet, that of the artistic and pictorial maturity, that
    of the master's degree of mixtures of the most complex and the most difficult

    His world is the one of a representative generous and convinced of its ideas.

    The painting was always the main catalyst of its expression, its character.

    He finds itself in her, and she is in him. Both form the only one to be autonomous,
    alive and fact of deformities, contortions, in a turbulent flow, one comings
    and goings permanent employee between the thought and the creative act. It is
    the pit of the family.

    I would say here that the psychoanalysis is technically speaking inseparable of the
    endocrinology. In the point of view of number of explanations technical and
    bound to the functioning. In the same way and in the same order of idea, the
    color cannot part from the artist.

    The cultural drama exists, it is latent. As, at the rather low individual,
    the rise of the psyche comes along with problems, as at an individual sure of
    himself as was him my father, it takes place in a linear way. She is situated
    in a particularly felt continuum.

    Mr Gigot, my former professor of German, was interested in the psychoanalysis a lot,
    which constitutes a new element in 20th century. Almuro is for example a
    composer of electroacoustic music, a close relation of Xénakis, who treated for
    a long time the absurd, its interferences on the man.

    The endocrinology is before any a science close to the exact. Usually,
    Manuel Diez was of a very big physical vigour, what is not following the
    example of its decay shortly before its death.

    My father considered that the constitution of 58 was a masterpiece. I am more
    shared on the question.


    I find, and the recent story proves it, that the surprising complicity of the United
    States and Europe with the Israeli state which commits the worst crimes in Palestine,
    is a shape of decline. Jesus was a Palestinian Jew. Israel committed and
    commits the worst abominations in Palestine. This moral forfeiture is deep and
    organized through the top.

    The worst is that it does not dissuade the Jewish fundamentalism. I shall like so
    much that a woman as Berthe Mann, a very close friend of my mother, recognizes
    that Israel stole their earth to the Palestinians, by murdering thousands of
    people for 2 or 3 victims.

    When he worked as copyist on the Louvre (he was in Prado also), my father got
    acquainted with Antonio Illan, when he had to employ afterward. Illan is our
    friends for 30 or 40 years since. We know all the family and we spent the last
    New Year's together.

    On the other hand, my father did not keep Antonio Illan under permanent contract.
    Once, it is just if he did not ask him for a million old francs to sand a
    miserable bank! But I make fun of little. Antonio helped him( punctually,
    he was of use to him as supplement following his needs. He had two children of
    a first marriage with Claudia, a blind person.

    The recent current event is terrible. Manuel Diez makes figure of exception in this
    hideous and bloody world. Allow me to make of him an example, through the AIDS
    and the 80s. Especially with a president who grants himself a 140 % pay rise,
    or buys to itself a plane Falcon in 45 millions to align itself with the other
    heads of state. The contrast between the wealthiness, the cynicism, the hatred,
    the contempt of other one and poverty is raised. Under Sarkozy, the public
    deficit increased twofold. Without counting 500 daily euros even some times ago
    so that Mrs Dati can read newspapers, or her 10 vehicles of functions, 10

    Contrary to my wife Hanifia who hates him and changes channel as soon as he is on
    television, I grant him that he was all the same with Cécilia, who possesses a
    family ties with Isaac Albéniz. It would be necessary as it is said 25 lives of
    the biggest pianists to play hardly only a tenth of a work piano as Ibéria.
    Rachida Dati was a close relation of Cécilia, he just waited on one year before
    leaving her after his divorce, for principal question. It is the only one of
    this government which tried to breathe something, but others were more awarded
    a diploma and more qualified.


    Of fort, I saw my father crossing to a state of extreme weakness.

    In his youth he had pro-Franco ideas. But in a time of
    generous ideas. Franco is the first one and the last one to have drawn up
    itself in front of Hitler, in particular with the famous éposode of the train,
    contrary to the fact that tells a certain left propaganda 40 later. He does not
    have to be ashamed there, even if his ideas evolved very differently afterward.

    In his debuts, Franco was admiral, when the Americans
    mobilized all their ultra modern fleet, thousands of warships and 3 million men
    to extort us Filipinos. He is the only one, contrary to Pétain, Laval and
    Mussolini, not to have delivered a single Jew to the Nazis. He is
    the first Atlanticist leader of Europe, the first one and the last one to have
    opposed to Hitler. But already let us remind to the sense "logician"
    of the term that Hitler was an Austrian Jew, of whom of the American
    journalists we say recently that he was born with a single testicle, it will be
    simpler so. You should not abuse, because a lot of people suffered under the
    Nazism and too. " Unter den Linden ", as says my mother.

    The only one after him it is Roosevelt. In particular when he stood up him with it
    thus famous episode of the train. He will have made many for the Muslims, the
    Jews, the church, even if the worst and the most bloodthirsty Jewish fighters
    were in his ranks.






     In front of Americans in his debuts, we could not set that two or three old tubs and two or three
    cockleshells. Franco made a lot for the church, but also for the Muslims and
    the Jews. Towards the end of his life my father did not like him any more so
    much. " No. dice enseguida ".

    It is necessary to understand that in this time, the political honor was possible still more or

    It is no more the case today. If I take the example of my uncle Norbert, who is with
    a young woman of Filipinos, Julieta who had come to Paris with her sisters, and
    well it is embodied anti-Spain, finally to a certain extent. The last time when
    I saw him he said to me about the racing cyclist Pedro Delgado: " Der war
    Voll ". He found nothing of other one. It is of a staunch cynicism.
    But Norbert was very funny being small, when we dressed him for the carnival.

    In 88, the year or Delgado won the tour, my employer tried to kill me while he had
    mutilated one of my friends a few years rained early. 2 years of trial.

    10 years later David disappeared. Pedro's book is for sale in 10 euros.

    It is at the end of the 80s when my father attacked Mr Charpentier, the director of
    the museum Cortot, who had paid him only half of its salary for three years. 3
    years of procedure and trial followed.

    But we felt an awakening, a will to move forward. These last years the Spanish cycling
    continued its revival. The same thing in football, the lessons, that pays.

    I contrary to my father who did not love the cyclists, I liked Luis Ocaña.

    It was a big republican, its book biography is admirable. I have it just puff pastry.
    For the anecdote, my friend Jean Seigaud about whom I have already spoken ran
    in touring cyclist with him.

    He had put " the swill " to Michel Drucker, the presenter of television.

    Ocaña committed suicide while he knew to be reached by a hepatitis. My two brothers
    were bitten by cycling. For my father, it was very simple, all took drugs. The
    only sports which he tolerated were the swimming and the gymnastics. Hanifia
    and I bought two bikes since. I have to buy a pump to repair wheels, finally it
    is already made.

    When Mrs Thatcher spent 30 years to establish false title deeds of Falklands, already
    we saw it, everything ended dramatically. Idem with an important part of the
    left or the communists, who like revising the history back to front 40 years
    later. The antiSpanish lobbying is powerful.

    Anti-Spain is powerful as speaks about it Franco in its reports ( he quotes the Polo, name
    also of a part of my family there. Is it a coincidence? ). England declared all
    the same the war only on the basis of forging of documents. The Falklands War
    cost the life to thousands of soldiers. Then you know, if for the English
    tradition the queen is supposed to bring the peace and the safety everywhere or
    her goes, we stay enough far from a serious order.



    I prefer Joan of Arc to the church saint - Saturnin, even if I love not at all
    people who got back her.

    It is one of reasons which made that her public dimension was decreased. People of my
    German family fought against English to Vamy, there who the queen of England is
    going to make its macabre celebrations. They left it the life moreover. I was
    always marked by the extreme poverty of Spain of my childhood, or a small part
    of this one.

    I have to say that my anglo - saxone sensibility remains a little more Germanic.
    Windsors are all of Germanic origin besides. The duke of Edinburgh even broke
    the leg to one of my friends during a taking of weapon. It was
    necessary it with one voice confided me my mother so that the German language
    is adopted as official language of the United States.

    One year I wrote to the Princess of Wales, to try to approach the question on Diego
    Ramon and on the marranism in Spain, but she killed. It was practically the
    only Castillan singer of long-lasting, and modern with that. It did not carry
    me luck. I wanted to be concrete and only to leave the people, the modern
    considerations. The artistic diversity of Spain is deep.

    We see it in the book of Funck-Brentano on Martin Luther, in the publishing Bernard
    Grasset, Hitler took back of course certain things on Luther. An
    American journalist thus relates we said it that Hitler had only a single
    testicle, in the big despair of her mother, which will conceive the second
    child with her husband. He irritated her.

    Luther is the first German theologian who translated the Old Testament and the new
    will into German. It is a hero, certainly debated, but a hero.

    We shall take back him on coins for example. I I like German of Silesia (Schlésien),

     I do not go too much into the nationalist frame " good tone
    ". I say that this country was neither Russian ever nor Polish, that's
    all, no more than the East Prussia, which was German during millenniums. Edith
    Beer, a very close friend of my mother who bears the same name as that of my
    disappeared aunt, is native of Silesia. She returned us a small
    visit recently, in October, 2010. Albert Einstein was also native of Silesia
    seems to me you it, or from the sudètes.

    Irina, a friend of Marita, other one of my aunts, her is native of Mazurie, where from
    comes the Mazurka. Even there, this region was always and is always with very
    strong German majority since millenniums. During the war, a Russian soldier had
    antagonized her mother.

    She had answered him that if he( killed her it would be obliged to kill his daughter
    also. Polish and Russians were always particularly idle and intolerable in this
    country which was never theirs.

    Recently on the other hand, I was able to attend the show of choruses and dance of the
    orchestra of the Russian army, which was previously called the choirs of the
    Red Army, the more committed name. The dancers and the dancers are exceptional,
    slim waist and hourglass figure. It is dancers of smaller size, that did not
    manage to stay in the bolchoï, but choreographies are however remarkable.

    Luther, to return to him there, was a big reformer, rather than a prophet.

    He drafted his 95 proposals, rose against the indulgences, but also guaranteed for
    rather abominable crimes. At that time, the church deceived the people, and
    asked him to fill the boxes. It was necessary to pay so that its soul can rise
    to the sky.



    The indulgences were really a shape of programmed murders. The Roman church
    murdered massively with this stratagem.

    Manuel Diez did not manage to protect his sons, in particular David, but whom could he
    make? It was a fabulous genius. And as usual, the story shies away under their

    He who had written to Giscard d'Estaing (and he answered him), who went as far as
    sticking his posters, doubtless underestimated the erring ways of the Gaullists,
    which are inveterate quibblers. David finished as Abdelkader Bentayeb, my
    beautiful brother.

    Have a good laugh of this world.

    Who are we today with Sarkozy, whom my wife Hanifia hates as I said it excessively who
    is? France is on the edge of the abyss.

    Exactly, the Gaullists, who are if we want, or in a way by a sort of metaphor, the big
    invisible spirit about which speaks Jesus, that is other thing than communists,
    were made one more time the servants of a figurehead as Sarkozy.

    Jacky Lhomme is the only one who gave the impression to me of emerging in the world
    of our Gaul so prosaic.

    The country is in the political impasse, with thick clouds of hucksters, of menus
    local tyrants, of caciques, profiteers. All want that we go into their game.
    From time to time they make a few showbiz to recover, and offer you petit

    Since the money goes into their pocket they are satisfied. One of them had even guest
    Sitting Bull, at least his descendant. French are as babies, we can laugh at it

    I do not make of in priori, I am not obsessed. I observe that as long as they prick
    us our women they are satisfied, but at the bottom they well make fun of us.
    The horrors which Israeli committed in Palestine prove the limits of what can
    be made. They are all the same the real drips. No word on that.

    We cannot agree to restrict to admit such crimes, in the incalculable
    consequences. Nobody can accept it. Nothing more will ever be as before. The
    world does not have an other outcome anymore than to attack Israel. He does not
    have an other choice anymore.

    And even the most fundamentalist Jews know it, it is not acceptable. That we return
    them their lands. Return them their lands a point that's it.

    How can they murder children so? It is not possible.

    Here we are, the world is what it is. The cowardice is everywhere. He is terrible this

    We cannot redo what was already made. In my job, when
    I work on a steam room, or in a reactor, for the manufacturing of medicine, I
    notice that this job I also partially inherited it. This job, it is also a
    profession and nothing else. Today I also work for nuclear power plants, in the
    food-processing industry, the industrialist.

    Somewhere, I am a little relieved that my mother, who
    is Protestant and goes to the temple, gets closer a few Catholics. Times are
    hard. My wife, who is from the Maghreb, hates the current leaders of the world,
    that of an unprecedented industrial and financial Crash, Bush, Sarkozy, and
    other loonies, other profiteers of the regimes. The speculation is everywhere.
    How were people able to arrive there there?



    It is necessary to say it, the world will never be than it was and what it was.
    Current World is terrible. We shall not redo artists as Manuel Diez.

    Fortunately that my mother, who often goes to Evangelische Kirche of Paris, Protestant
    temple, makes some concessions to the Catholics. It is the lesser evil.

    The disappearance of his son David, my brother, or still that of Abdelkader
    Bentayeb, my beautiful brother, are facts which prove the madness of the
    society. She crushed them. Abdelkader had known an important cranial trauma.

    The older brother of my father also died in circumstances similar to those who saw
    the disappearance of David. My big father was it never.

    He was the elected representative, the "primogenito". When my father
    returned him in Spain, he died from sorrow and from the emotional shock.

    In his manuscript on the fire of the church Santa Catalina arisen in 57, my father,
    towards the end of this manuscript, speaks masks which had realized my
    grandfather to guard a memory of the lines of the face of his son who bore the
    same name as him.

     In the death of my grandfather, Vénancio, my father did the same. He made I believe drawings, and
    masks with some paper if I remember well. We were in the hotel Juan II who my
    grandfather died.

    When I think of Mrs Dominguez. The Dominguez de la Torre was and are always
    exceptional musicians, native of Galicia, as José Soto. They are two twin
    brothers, with their sister Téré. In the time a French drummer completed the
    group. All the directory of the varieties and the Rock passed there. They were
    in their big time among the biggest musicians of variety of Europe, in every
    first ones. I and two friends planes also created a group at the same time.

    I was even a member of a group of new-wave. An Anglo-Saxon group. My uncle Norbert
    had friends in Germany who established they a very good rock band Country
    music. I like very much Ryth' m blues. Eric Clapton is the big Anglo-Saxon
    musician of our time still alive I believe. Norbert played the Hawaiian guitar.
    It was its speciality.

    Poor Mrs Dominguez died in conditions which I do not want to develop here. It is a
    little the same scenario as with David and Abdelkader

     I see them every day the loonies and the crazy. Take mayor of my city.

    He managed to make change the name
    of the city by depriving her the particle " lès-Gonesse " (I played
    10 or 15 years rugby to Gonesse). He changed the name also even recently and
    renamed in the name of Mr Bigel the street along his detached house.

    It is a pity that the Council of State let Michel Aumas change the name of names and
    make what he wants in the city without reacting.

    Only 23 % of the voters was able to surrender finally to the ballot. In the pretext to
    modernize our city, we destroy a part of his past.


    It is true that Mr Bigel received Sitting Bull, but I would not say so many his relations with the international and the anarchists,
    saying that the right is ready for anything to remain as she can. My mother
    also thinks that it is better "Arnouville". Finally I was made there
    also, willy-nilly.

    I think here of Mrs Mercier, who was assaulted a few years ago by hooligans.

    Her husband was my mathematics teacher, as her too I
    believe. My mother also was assaulted by hooligans in the wood of Condos, which
    had managed to steal her her bag.


     When we had been champions Ile-de-France by team in athletics with Sonny, it is just if Mr Bigel had not
    come spit us above. It's also this the right. It is very often the contempt the
    most shown by the human condition.

    The big clubs, which we had all beaten and reviewed, moved back in front of nothing to
    try to despoil us and to dispossess us of our title.

    I have nothing against the big clubs, even if some of our athletes almost beat
    athletes of the same big clubs, and made him moreover. When I played the rugby,
    I remained unconquered 14 or 15 times against Racing CF. Same the first one of

     ere I summarize because that's not all. I understand well that the big clubs have a different politics.
    Gonesse beat Béziers or Narbonne once I believe, in Racing. The match ended in
    blood bath. It is to say that the big clubs are not still so sports as we are
    willing to say it. The club arrived in quarter or in semi-final of the French
    championship one the year after its creation.

    I am one of even rare players to have lost never against Racing. I was very happy
    every time we arrived at Racing, every time the national, European and world
    records of the pole vaulters of the Racing are posted. One of our pole vaulters
    of Arnouville has the same bankrupt to beat Vigneron grower in the training.
    Houvion is on Facebook. It is a nice guy. As Romain Mesnil. There is a lot of

     The year or I pulled the kids, the team arrived in head in a tournament Groupama of 3000 teams. I also managed
    the brothers Castel. The younger child was France champ with the racing CF, and
    better trial marker on the season in French championship, without counting
    international matches. It was the spearhead of the attack of Racing CF and he
    was France champ in the Parc-des-Princes with this team. I managed him with two
    other players.

    Everybody has to move forward, but in my spirit, as soon as young villages or small
    villages of 200/400, or 10 000 pilgrims begin to beat them, to hang on such or
    such title, the big clubs rear.

    An omnipresent, careerist, aggressive and upstart, ready right in anything to
    reach its purposes and its most square, the most backward combinations,
    constantly looking for to humble the others, gangrenes the same big clubs.

    One year I remember, when the big clubs, the big stables, were afraid of losing too many
    titles in front of youngs, they went as far as deleting more than half events
    of the French championship. It is a legalized and officialized cheating. This regression does not frighten them.

    It is a regressive vision. All this because sometimes a small village of 200
    inhabitants picks up the title in the relay 400x100 or other.

    A good scandal of doping taken out of the bundles of sticks to make diversion and hide the
    worst, some downgrading at the age, some deceits furthermore and we do not
    speak about it any more.


    One year we would already have been able to be champions Ile-de-France, there were
    no more than three teams in the race, among which two that we had beaten by
    20/30 points of gap during the last seasons, but the arbitration did not allow

    It was necessary to wait next year.

    In the being lacking match, the referee had not whistled at least for 80 offside of
    position of the opposite team during the party, what had deprived us of any
    point of reference.

    The plethoric score in favour of the opposite team masked a totally failing

    We had been defeated after all at our home on the way back 4 - 3 on an ice-cold
    ground, having been able nothing to exploit on the way out, essentially because
    of this partial refereeing.

    Charles Pussey, in the center below, confided me that during a qualifying match of
    French championship between The PUC and Sarcelles who he was present in
    terraces, a essay was granted to the PUC while there was knock-on, and an other
    one was refused in Sarcelles while it was about a false knock-on, the essay of
    Sarcelles was valid. Sarcelles had won on the ground but lost on the paper. The
    PUC, which also brought out to us, won most of its matches only of a point or
    two of the gap. He will fail against Bagnères in the Park ( 9-16 ). The route
    of the PUC this year remains suspicious.

    Philippe Mondon is on this photo also, I remember all the players. He was interwieved by
    journalists of the television during the terrible disaster of Haiti, because he
    wanted to take orphan with her friend. It is the fourth at the top by leaving
    of the left. Larrieux, Didier Clément, are among others also present on the
    photo. I am below, the last but one to the right.

    I do not here want to draw up the inventory of all the deceits which take place and
    set course in a popular sport as the rugby. Or in other popular sports.

    But it is an important parameter. When we saw certain things we remember it, and it
    modifies profoundly the perception that we can have about certain clubs which
    have to their credit several national titles. We were friends' band, everybody
    knew each other in the team. Numerous players passed in selection.

    In our opponents, I think of Aulnay, a very good club filled with national titles,
    against whom I just played when I was small against very good seniors. But
    which disappointment during a match who the referee had been bought, and
    crossed off for life afterward.

    Today, it is professional moreover. The money took the power.

    The worst moment of my career, it is this match against Villeneuve-la-Garenne on the lawn
    of the Stade Français. 400 spectators armed with iron bars, American punches
    and other handguns had invaded the ground. I found myself at the moment under a
    grouping. I took a bad blow on the sole of the foot, the balance sheet :
    fracture in the third collar of the metatarsal. It pursued me all my career
    until today.

    The referee was crossed off for life.

    I finally spent a MRI which has allowed to reveal Morton's névrome. I was
    operated. I was 45 years old, I had this terrible pain for 18 years.


    In parallel, as says it very well my wife Hanifia, the fact that we are today in
    the erythropoietin ( E.P.O) of second generation, undetectable, modify widely what
    we can think of high-level sports.

    Because the crisis makes the bed of the most reactionary right which is, non-stop on
    the defensive and totally folded up on its interests, always on the defensive.

    You should not make a mistake there. In a country, when the police is
    systematically made the relay the worst tyrants who are, in the biggest
    contempt of the law, with all the ministerial troop, it is that that smells the
    singed. Big is the confusion as soon as we deal with security or with safety.

    A few years ago, having worked for a secondary school for vocational training and a
    Porsche factory, because I had worked at the national leader's in inhalation of
    smokes of weld (articulated flexible arms, hollow rails alu), I was received by
    police captain and agent, to work exactly in the safety. I was not retained by
    this new subsidiary of the SNCF (FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY). But it has
    me however allowed to make for me for a better image of the police

    There is a lot to be done against the criminality, against the terrorism, but do we
    really want to give ourselves the means ? The real will would be needed to
    advance files, yet we see it, all camp over the most regressive mode which is.
    We do not want to go at the end of a joint representation. Due to wanting to
    make things through the top, we do not consult any more the base.

    In the same way, few texts appear on the Spanish art. I am there to remedy it, to
    allow the general public to build up to itself an opinion, to open new horizons
    of expression.

    It is necessary to blow up the bolts of this absurd society that we want to impose

    It is necessary to re-establish, to restart on well separated bases.

    Manuel Diez was a fabulous genius, the successor of the Van Gogh, Utrillo, Picasso,
    Monet, Gen Paul and others. Even there senator Claude Estier, who had an apartment
    in quoted by the museum Cortot, lived him the impossible incredible life, even
    there the governing power lived him the infernal life. Even there the society
    has to make nothing big artists, and she learnt nothing so to speak of them, or
    almost anything. He was an immense successor, and it is this continuum which
    was broken.

    Because the political universe is absurd, its contradictions and his about-turn are
    numerous. It is because the market of the art has to see nothing more with the
    human being, with the art in the noble sense. Manuel Diez already prefigures
    that are the ruins of the Christianity.

    Today, a religion as the Islam does not ask any more for its rest, she remains
    hermetic in the Christian principles, folded up on its community. The oumma as
    said Hassan II, the community.


    And if Hassan II was octavien, as my wife is an octavine, it remains tangible that the
    only common points between our religions are the ascendancy of the community.
    Manuel Diez's death, it is a little the end of an a little less abrupt painting.

    I read some of the books of Hassan II, and I who know especially Algeria, and who was
    able to attend the tension between Morocco and Algeria, with the lock of the
    borders, I find that a leader clear-sighted and imaginative as there were him
    lack many.


    I saw the movie who Yolande Moreau embodies Séraphine de Senlis in the perfection, I
    found him admirable. We had gone to Senlis with Méré the last time when she

    She lives to Toro and has many health problems with the knee.

    Séraphine finished to Clermont, who I sometimes went when I was an ambulance driver.

    It is almost also the worse as saint-Anne. Her end was terrible. André Gill died in
    internment also, to Charenton I believe.

    Montmartre, district of Utrillo, Marcel Aymé, so many artists will have seen the end of
    this exceptional character whom was my father. He " had his mouth "
    as we said of him.

    There is very numerous years of it, an old lady was murdered to Arnouville, in her
    house near Gif's Mount, for 10 or 20 francs hardly. With knives, she had to be
    in nightdress or at her home in her bed. A horrible crime.

    Later, just a step from there, the place who started the famous debate on the
    self-defence with François Art, with whom I fought two or three times at the
    high school to Gonesse, and to Jean-Moulin also I believe, it is the famous
    theft of car radio

    Mitterrand had invited him to have dinner on the Elysee. I ignore if he knew about this
    crime, but he occurred not far from the facts. It is one of my old classmates,
    Cahard, who was in the SAMU ( EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE ) with Art. He was
    nursing in the time.

    I found rather pathetic Mitterrand in this affair. We masked him the truth. Cahard
    confided me that it pissed the blood in the SMUR which took him to the hospital
    of Gonesse, it very almost stayed there. I was in the army at this moment
    there, in Germany. It had been on television.

    Really in this country, there are two serious left tendencies. The center left, which
    regrets constantly the incapacity of the left uniting, taking care and getting
    through the right, of whom Mrs Bouissy about whom I spoke in the manual worker
    of introduction is one of representing main head teachers, and the communism
    with Maoist tendency, which raises clearly the question: " that shall have
    raised us sets ? ". Then, it is the spectre of the division and the







     Above a former cliché of our house to Arnouville. The promoters came of everywhere over the years,
    encouraged by all the hucksters who followed one another in our city.

    He is far the time of the studio. Above my brother David getting ready small tables
    in foot.




     It is David himself who realized all this series of pictures and photos of paintings, because he made of the
    photography. He wanted to be a photographer, and he finished taxi. His clichés
    form however a very beautiful series. The first one and the only one to this
    day. My mother does not want that I publish her on the Web.

    As I regret David, not to have been able to or known how to better protect him, but
    the story was underway and nothing more could thwart his tragic fate. His
    military service had badly passed, as that of Ingo ended brutally. For him,
    that badly ended. Others were more violent than him.

    If my older brother would have been placed in rest home from the beginning, he would
    still be maybe there today, but my mother has never wanted to place him, she
    always refused herself there. He played a terribly harmful role on him, and
    considerably prevented me from watching more the security of David. Ingo
    blocked him the road without even if to report it. "Le Unmensch", as
    calls him Hanifia. But it is today too late, and I have to now to my turn stay
    up Ingo also, for lack of having paid enough attention on David.

    Poor man David, he had a strong personality, a big so particular and funny sense. We
    had harvested the grapes sets in Beaujolais, to Lancié and to Perréon. Often
    brought out us on Paris and in suburb, to see concerts, in the 80s. David
    seemed to me to like the life, but he did not pay enough attention on his, and
    the others did not manage to take care of it on his place. We were too poor, he
    had accumulated the problems throughout his entire life. I would never have
    thought that he can disappear so young.

    As the XXth century was cruel also, and deprived everything to us.









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